Thursday, June 29, 2006

Walk Sunday 2nd July - Talybont Reservoir Circuit

Walk description:

While this walk does not reach the lofty heights of its more notable neighbours, the height gained is only 146m lower than Pen y Fan, the highest peak in the Brecon Beacons. The walk will take you to a memorial cairn for the crew of a Canadian bomber that crashed on a training flight during World War Two, with the wrecked fuselage still littering the hillside. This walk on a clear day will reward you with exceptional views of 360 degrees.

Start point grid ref: SO099197,-3.30122&spn=0.076428,0.159645&om=1

OS map: Outdoor Leisure 12 East

Walk length: 12.1 miles

Duration: 420 minutes

Height gain: 640 metres


Meet either at County Hall East car park ready to leave at 09.30
Meet at the Car Park on the west side of Talybont Resevoir at around 10.15.,-3.30122&spn=0.076428,0.159645&om=1

See the link for where the car park is.

Well behaved dogs are welcome - please be aware it is a moderate / strenous walk so make sure pooch is up to it and take plenty of water.

Please contact either Martin (07868 737591) or Doug (07766 652 837) - Andy can't lead this walk as his Cricket Team has unexpectedly done well and his batting skills are needed!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Walk on the 25th June - The Beacons/Cwm Llwch

Here's the infomation on Martin's walk this Sunday (25th June), which will now be led by me as Martin's done his ankle in reccying the damn thing; where's the justice in that!?

Anyway, the walk will start from the Storey Arms car park and follow a broad ridge up with great views. It then descends into the pretty Cwm Llwch Valley and the passes the eponymous lake before climbing to the Tommy Jones Memorial.

Martin described the route as "quite a toughie", i.e; strenuous, with one particular long, steep climb and a total ascent of 850 metres. We've had some ideal conditions lately, but if the weather turns while up there then it's important we've all got proper boots, layers and waterproofs, so remember to bring proper kit.
Saying that it should be worth the effort because this walk's a 'real beaut'.

Meeting times:

Meet for 9:30 am at County Hall Car Park, or at the start point; the Storey Arms Car Park for 10:00 am.

Directions to Start Point:

Take the heads of the valleys road (A483) towards Merthyr, and shortly after entering Merthyr, take the first exit (left) onto the A470 (signposted Brecon).
Continue up the A470 for a few miles, you'll pass the Cantref Reservoir, then the Beacons Reservoir, then shortly after this the Storey Arms will appear on your right, and the carpark is opposite on your right. Grid reference; 983 203.

If anyone's got any questions or concerns, then please ring me on 07766652837.

All the best and see you out yonder!


TBR Gower Walk - Saturday 17th June

On Saturday the Gods were looking down on us as we walked up Cefn Bryn bathed in glorious sunshine, and peered out over the vast expanse of the Severn Estuary and over to the shores of Devon.
This was the first walk of Tiger Bay's Camping weekend, and over thirty people including nine Tawe Trekkers turned out for the glorious sunshine.
After the stunning vistas from Cefn Bryn, we headed down through Reynoldston and sat on Kittle Top for a lazy lunch stop (see picture). Kittle Top is a kind of giant grass boil in the middle of a farmers field, but despite that it's a perfect place to have lunch as it provides a comfortable grassy seat and luxuriant views over Oxwich Bay.
After lunch we descended into Mill Wood and then through Penrice Estate. Here we glimpsed a surprised aristocrat within the stately mansion, watching bewilderdly as thirty ramblers marched across their gravel driveway.
We continued on through Nicholaston Woods then took a detour to that lovely farm which does a good line in ice cream. When we'd had our fill of rum and raisin, rasberry ripple, and cookies and cream (droooool), we walked across the bay, had a paddle, (or a full on swim in some cases), and then negotiated the 'interesting' tideline around Great Tor which involved either paddling through water up to our waists, or scrambling over the craggy rocks at the base of the tor.
The final obstacle after the walk across Pobbles Beach was the unfeasibly steep footpath which led back to the campsite. It's good to finish a walk with a bit of exertion though, don't you think?!

Great walk, and some of us also enjoyed a excellent BBQ that night in the campsite. Thanks, TBR, for your hospitality, and we in the Tawe Trekkers hope to see you again soon.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Gower Walks with TBR this Weekend (17/18th June)

This weekend the Tiger Bay Ramblers will be landing on the shores of Gower for their camping weekend, and guess what – everyone’s invited!

If you want to camp with the TBRs at Three Cliffs Campsite then please give me a call; the campsite should still be able to accommodate people.

If you’re only interested in the walks then Tawe Trekkers and Tiger Bay Ramblers will each be leading a walk on the Saturday and Sunday respectively.

Saturday: Hills, Woods, Castles and Beaches!

A Varied 8 Mile walk from Penmaen starting up Cefn Bryn and descending back through various wooded tracks, past Penrice Castle and returning to the campsite along the coast.

Meeting Point: The usual place at County Hall Car Park at 10 a.m. If you want to meet directly at the walk start point then here’s the directions: Shortly after the sign for Penmaen on the A4118 on Gower, you’ll see a sign for Three Cliffs Campsite on your left. Take the road to the right diagonally opposite this, which is the track up to Cefn Bryn. Grid Reference; 532 887. There should be parking spaces up here and will serve as a meeting point for the walk. We’re aiming to start the walk at 11 a.m. Any problems please ring me on 07766652837.

Sunday: Tiger Bay Ramblers Heritage Walk!

Another 8-miler starting up Cefn Bryn but then heading off in a different direction, passing through the Gower Heritage Centre and along Three Cliffs Bay. Carys from TBR will be able to tell you more about this walk, so you can ring her on 07812610260 if you want to find out more. I can tell you however, that meeting points and times will be the same for Sunday’s walk as for Saturday’s.


Monday, June 12, 2006

The Gower Gallop Reports

Members of the Tawe Trekkers took part in the Gower Gallop, both the 20 and 12.5 mile route, here are some of the comments of those who took part (Those that are suitable to publish!).

"Just a few quick lines to say a big well done to everyone who undertook the Gower Gallop last Saturday. The temperature was very unforgiving, and made the walk in parts feel like being part of the cast in ‘Beau Gest’………water water, (or lager lager)!

The walk was superbly led by little Rob (Oh shucks! - Ed), or shall we say ‘Daddy’ after referring to us all as his kids all day?! It was pointed out ot him that the sun had clearly gone to his head, given that the group's average age was only 28, thus making Rob a very young 'Daddy' indeed!

Well, when we say superbly led, there was one incident....only a small mistake though Rob, it's not like we were were hot, hungry, dehydrated and desperate for a long-awaited lunch break at the time....after all, what's another 200 yards in the blazing sun on a 20 mile hike amongst friends?! It's OK, no-one will hold it against you......honest!!

The diversity of scenery was great throughout the day; the highlight for me (Rob) was the walk on the Beach in Port Eynon.

The end of the walk was very entertaining as the tide had covered the stepping stones to Pennard Dunes. In true SAS style, the group bravely crossed the stones bare footed to reach the other side, battling a vicious tidal current, I (Rob) must say sorry to little Rob for nearly pulling him in as I lost my balance briefly! We also witnessed an unwell wild pony being encouraged to get up by the other horses, not something you get to see every day!

A huge thanks must go the Swansea Outdoor Group for organising the event, and for providing well needed drinks, cakes and biscuits at the checkpoints, not to mention the company of our fellow trekkers, which made the day all the more enjoyable.

We're looking forward to next year's ‘Gower Gallop’, maybe we can go one better and go for the 30 mile route?!


Big Rob and Meryl"

Lindsay also adds

"The Gower Gallop on Sat-What a fantastic day! I too was part of the 20 mile walk! I have to admit the prospect of walking so far was very daunting but I really feel that I achieved something! The weather was amazing (not to hot though I still look like a lobster!) and we walked through some very beautiful countryside and across some gorgeous beaches.

Just want to thank everyone in the group for keeping spirits high-especially the 2 robbies!!!!!! (u guys should really have your own comedy act!)

I would definitely recommend this to everyone! Anyone for the 30 mile next year? !!!
Lindz x"

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Walk on June 11th 2006

Walk Sunday 11th June - Craig Y Nos and Cribarth

This walk will be a relatively short 4 mile circular route, so would be great for anyone fairly new to walking, and will also be a good warm-down for any Gower Gallopers from 10th June who just can't get enough of walking!

The route goes from outside Craig Y Nos Country Park, and begins with a fairly short steep climb up onto the ridge of Cribarth (423 metres). We then make our way along the top to the OS point, from which there are great views all round the area. This point makes a good lunch spot, or sheltering lower down the hillside if weather demands! Lots of old quarry workings can be seen.
The route then meanders down around the back of the mountain, through some fields and Abercrave woods.

This is an easy route.


Meet either at County Hall East car park at 11.45am (aim to leave very close to this time)
Meet at the entrance to Craig Y Nos Country Park (GR 841154, OS Explorer Map 12), 12.20pm. Craig Y Nos Country park is on the A4067 north east of Swansea. There are two options for parking at Craig Y Nos, either in the pay and display car park, or in the lay-by next to Craig y Nos castle (holds about 8 cars, free), which is just a minutes' walk from the entrance to Craig Y Nos Country Park. ( The castle is just before the Country Park entrance, on the right, if you're coming from Swansea).

The Country park I believe has some tea rooms with cake etc for a post-walk natter or I am sure a suitable pub can be found if people wish.

This walk is not suitable for dogs as it passes through some fields with livestock in.

My mobile number is 07811 654826 so feel free to give me a ring to let me know you'll be on the walk, or to check out any info. If I don't answer please leave a message and I will definately get back to you.

The reason this walk starts much later than our usual time is that Samba Tawe (Swansea's very own samba band), of which I am a member, will be playing outside the Marriott Hotel that morning from 9.30am to 11am approx. We're playing to see off the sponsored Macmillan walkers but it is a public event so everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the music, before heading off on the walk.

If this all sounds like far too much activity for you, I don't blame you, have a lie in!

Look forward to seeing you on 11th.
