Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Walk on the 25th June - The Beacons/Cwm Llwch

Here's the infomation on Martin's walk this Sunday (25th June), which will now be led by me as Martin's done his ankle in reccying the damn thing; where's the justice in that!?

Anyway, the walk will start from the Storey Arms car park and follow a broad ridge up with great views. It then descends into the pretty Cwm Llwch Valley and the passes the eponymous lake before climbing to the Tommy Jones Memorial.

Martin described the route as "quite a toughie", i.e; strenuous, with one particular long, steep climb and a total ascent of 850 metres. We've had some ideal conditions lately, but if the weather turns while up there then it's important we've all got proper boots, layers and waterproofs, so remember to bring proper kit.
Saying that it should be worth the effort because this walk's a 'real beaut'.

Meeting times:

Meet for 9:30 am at County Hall Car Park, or at the start point; the Storey Arms Car Park for 10:00 am.

Directions to Start Point:

Take the heads of the valleys road (A483) towards Merthyr, and shortly after entering Merthyr, take the first exit (left) onto the A470 (signposted Brecon).
Continue up the A470 for a few miles, you'll pass the Cantref Reservoir, then the Beacons Reservoir, then shortly after this the Storey Arms will appear on your right, and the carpark is opposite on your right. Grid reference; 983 203.

If anyone's got any questions or concerns, then please ring me on 07766652837.

All the best and see you out yonder!



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