Monday, December 08, 2014

Beyond St Clears...
8th December 2014
For a last ditch replacement today's walk turned out rather well. The fine weather certainly helped to show the Carmarthenshire countryside at its best. This was a gentle, rolling landscape unspectacular but with a peaceful, timeless charm. Beech woods nestling on the valley sides alternated with farmland on the hill tops. The highlight of the walk for many was the sighting of a barn owl, appropriately enough in a barn. Unfortunately the walk leader, who is a keen birdwatcher, missed out on this piece of serendipity
The group of nine proved to be a resilient bunch, coping with a farmyard deep in slurry, thorns and brambles, some cheeky little hills and a walk length which proved mysteriously longer than the advertised 10 miles. Conscious of having lost three people on his last outing the walk leader was at pains to avoid an embarrassing repetition. However, a loss of concentration right at the end of the walk led to three of the group going astray in Llanddwror village just minutes from the end of the walk. Thus his average was maintained.

An attempt to sample the delights of the White Hart in Llanddarog was later thwarted by it being closed but kyle quickly founds us an alternative venue in the form of the Abadam Arms in Porthyrhyd. ln these congenial surroundings three members of the group tucked into large rolls packed with leftover turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Our two newcomers -  Kevin and Parisa - seemed to enjoy the day and we hope to see them again in the near future.
...and Other Matters
Helo pawb,
A huge thanks go out to Graham for contributing to our newsletter this week. We're hoping to encourage more and more people to do this in the future so that everyone can hear the many different voices that make up the Tawe Trekkers. It really was a fantastic day and I for one am looking forward to some more walks from Graham in this area in the New Year.
I hear on the grapevine that this weeks pub quiz was a popular affair. We didn't win unfortunately but that's not always the point is it? What's most concerning though is that the two medical professionals on the team failed to get the medical questions correct. Dear! Dear! Dear! The pub quiz will continue at the Westbourne every Tuesday evening throughout the seasonal period (as far as I'm aware anyway). If you would like to join in the fun please contact Robert Hall on 07981 963681. 
I now have the final bookings for the Christmas meal in Tapestri. Twenty-six of us will be there this year and I look forward to seeing you all. The table is booked for 7pm but for those of you who have the time I will be in the Grand Hotel for a quick pint from 6:30pm. I've had some feedback this year that future Christmas meals might be better for some people on a Saturday as opposed to a Friday. I'd be grateful for your feedback on this. You can do this by speaking to me directly, responding to this newsletter when it is emailed to you, or by contacting me on Facebook or 07540 746360.
That's all for now. Diolch. Dylan.


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