Monday, December 05, 2011

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 5th Dec 2011


Dave's Gluhwein Walk at Margam Park - Sunday 11th Dec

As it '''tis the season to be jolly', Dave will be leading a themed walk this Sunday around the magical Margam Park near Port Talbot. It will be a leisurely walk of only around 4-5 miles (not the original 10 miles on the Programme), and we will be taking a long lunch where we will have chance to show off our wine-making and baking skills - please feel free to bring along gluhwein (hot mulled wine), mince pies, Christmas cake, pudding, or any other of your seasonal confections!!

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 4 - 5 Miles
Meeting: Swansea County Hall at 0930, or the start point at Margam park at 1000. Call Dave if you plan to go straight there on 07414 590217


Pub Nights at the Brunswick

We've had a bit of a lull in terms of the number of people turning up to the Brunnie lately. We don't think there's anything sinister going on(!) and put it down mainly to the mere fact that a few people happen to be busy with other activities and life events at the moment. What we can do (communication-wise) though is remind people that the regular pub evenings are every fortnight at the Brunswick in Sandfields (the residential area just west of Swansea City Centre). The next pub night at the Brunswick is on the 15th Dec. As always, old and new members alike welcome. Hope to see a few people there for a festive pint.


Quiz at Westbourne

In addition to the Brunswick, Bob's quiz team usually play every Tuesday at the Westbourne, so if you want to pit your wits against Swansea's brightest then call Bob on 07981963681 for details and to check it's on for that particular week.


That's it for another week.




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