Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 22nd Dec


Rhidian Re-invents Rhossili Ramble - Sun 28th December

In a change from the usual route, Rhidian will lead a walk that starts from the carpark in Rhossili by Worm's head Hotel. Instead of following the usual route north to Rhossili Downs, the walk will head inland to Mewslade Bay before following the rugged coastline back to Rhossili. This walk should give you a new perspective on Gower, and also work off some of the Christmas calories!

Start Point: County Hall at 0930, or Worms Head carpark at 1020

Distance: 7 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Call: Rhidian on 07904 199350 for more details


Tawe Trekkers Christmas Message

I was both flattered and humbled at the Christmas meal when presented with a lovely bottle of (organic) whisky from the Trekkers. Although this gesture was greatly appreciated, I feel it is all those involved, members and committee, that deserve the thanks for what has been a successful year at the club.

We've had more new people joining compared to previous years, and members old and new have done a great job in making things happen (which go far beyond things like these newsletters). A lot of this activity is 'behind the scenes' so people may not get fully recognised for their efforts. Please spare some thought then for those who enable all the walks, the website, publicity, finances, rights-of-way expertise, social events, I could go on... Those who maintain the social network should also be recognised for the role they play; this may not always be 'official,' but that doesn't matter, and it still greatly benefits the group by acting as the 'glue' that keeps everyone together. There's been more enthusiasm and involvement from more people this year, and also the best fashion sense on record!

It's probably too much to mention every person and what they've contributed, but you know who you are, so thanks. When all's said and done, the group would be nothing without the colourful range of people that go to make it up.

Here's wishing you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous 2009!


Iechyd da

Fi sahitak


A votre sante



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