Monday, January 15, 2007

Newsletter - Ystradfellte Walk - Sat 20th Jan


Ystradfellte Walk - Sat 20th Jan

Hi folks. Here's some details for the walk on Saturday, the first walk of 2007!

From Ystradfellte, we'll follow the River Mellte downstream to Porth-yr-Ogof before crossing to the Nedd valley and following the Nedd upstream. Although this walk is in 'Waterfall Country' the main interest is the peaceful scenery and the various rock formations - caves, underground rivers and a limestone pavement.
This walk will include a small detour to the impessive Porth yr Ogof caves (pictured), but we won't be doing any potholing so claustophobics fear not!

This walk has been graded at 'moderate' and runs to about 6.5 miles.
Meeting at County Hall Car Park at 0930, or at the start point of the walk at about 1030.
Rough directions to the start point are: Follow the A465 towards Merthyr, and turn off along the A4059 towards Penderyn. After passing through Penderyn take a road to the left signposted Ystradfellte, and follow this towards the village. The car park where we'll be starting from is situated just above the Porth yr Ogof caves at GR928124 and is a left turn from the said road to Ystradfellte.

There's a superb pub on the way back tucked away up a sideroad near Penderyn (so superb in fact that I've forgotten it's name but I think it's something like the Red Lion). They usually do a good range of proper beers and it has a roaring log fire for weary walkers to rest their feet by. No doubt we'll stop there.

If you want more detailed directions to the start point, or any other information about the walk ring me (Doug) on 07766652837.

See you there!


Next Pub Meeting - Brunswick Pub - 25th Jan

We had a fairly good turn out to the pub last week, and the next meeting is not this Thursday but the one after (25th Jan).



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