Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Weekly Newsletter - Snowdonia, Sustrans, Shakespeare and More!

Hello all,
To improve communication to members we are now aiming to send a once-weekly newsletter out which includes all you need to know about what's going on in the Tawe Trekkers: Walks, Social Events, and any other items of interest.

We hope this will make it easier for you to stay up to date with all that's happening, and please don't hesitate to give feedback on ways in which we keep in touch with members.

Snowdonia Trip - Fri 11th to Mon 14th August

It's finally come around; the epic odyssey that is the Snowdonia Trip sets off this Friday. We have twenty people going from the TTs and the Black Country Walking Group, and there's some great walking planned. If you really want to get on the trip last minute then there are literally a couple of places left at the bunkhouse. Give me (Doug) a ring on 07766 652837.

If you're not going to Snowdonia with the TTs, but you still want to get out in the fresh air a bit closer to home, then why not go on a walk with one of the other local Rambler's Association Groups such as West Glamorgan, Bridgend or Llanelli. Have a look on their websites, and remember, if you are a bona fide RA member, you are entitled to go on walks with any Rambler's group.

Social Event - Hamlet at Oystermouth Castle - Wed 16th Aug

Lindsey's already covered this in her last message, but just to remind you:

Oystermouth Castle are showing their next outdoor production which is Shakespeare' s "Hamlet" on Wednesday Aug 16th at 730pm.

Contact Lindsey on 07731440554 for more info and to tell her whether you are going 'to be, or not to be' going.

Social Event - Mumbles Beer Festival - Saturday 24th August

A date for your diary: A few of us are planning to go to the Mumbles Beer Festival on Saturday 24th August.

What's more; as that weekend's walk is on the Bank Holiday Monday, we'll have longer to recover from our excesses on the Old Man's Knob, Warty Beaver, Mother Clucker, and other such intriguingly named concoctions.

As well as lots of beer, there will also be some of Swansea's best local bands and musicians featuring at the venue playing some suitably rollocking tunes.

Provisional meeting time: Would 5pm outside the Ostreme Centre be OK? Confirmation of this will follow nearer to the time.

For more info contact Doug on 07766652837.

Sustrans North Gower Workcamp 2006

Here's an item from our resident cyclist, Laura.

The abovementioned will take place from 19th August – 3rd September 2006 between Penclawdd and Gowerton.

The purpose of the workcamp is to involve volunteers in the construction of part of the cycle route between Penclawdd and Gowerton. This is the second stage of a route which will eventually go from Llanmorlais to Gowerton, and link with route 4 of the National Cycle Network.

The route will be very important for local people and visitors alike, and will provide a safe route for cycling and walking off the main road, and a wonderful way to enjoy the delights of the area.

If you want to get involved in the workcamp, please call Laura on 07968109145.

I've heard from people who've been on it before that's it's great fun and camaraderie, and there's BBQs and beer a-plenty after a day doing this enjoyable type of graft.


That's about it for this week; I hope this format of email works well for people, please say if you think so or otherwise.

All the best,



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