Monday, June 30, 2014

Hi fellow Trekkers,

A big thankyou to Andy Bevan for leading a group of twelve (plus four dogs) around and beyond the Usk reservoir. A road section from the start point led gradually onto an open moor, the reservoir at this point hidden by the forest that surrounds it. Our lunch stop provided fabulous views of the Carmarthen fans, big and stately in the distance. After lunch we looped around to enter the forest of pines, a wide and well worn path guiding us down to the waters edge.Here, the dogs took great pleasure in splashing about in the dark water of the reservoir, Tirion especially making the most of this brief swimming opportunity! A final gentle stroll around the remainder of this water found us at the finish, a post-walk drink in the Ancient Briton the reward for our efforts! Thx again Andy!

Rumour has it that two Tawe trekkers took to the mountains above craig y nos for a two night wild camp extravaganza. There is an exceptionally secluded gulley about ninety minutes walk from the showcaves which provides ample escape from the madding crowds. A stream, currently running dry in parts meanders through this gulley and to one side of this the land is flat and the grass big and bouncy, perfect for pitching up. Rumour also has it that the same two tawe trekkers spent a third evening camped on the midge- infested field behind the award winning Ancient Briton pub, or rather in the Ancient Briton in front of the midge infested field ! Good times (apparently) were had by all!

This coming Friday evening walk (4th of July) kicks off from the Beaufort Arms in Kittle at 6.30 p.m. Dylan Beardo Couch is kindly leading this one, a leisurely stroll down to Cwm Llandeilo Ferwallt (Bishopston Valley) to Pwll Du. A great walk for beginners this one, newcomers especially welcome! Dylan can be contacted on 07540 746 360 and he dosen't bite (unless he has to)!

On Sunday (6th July) Janet Thomas accompanied by the ever bouyant Shona will be leading us on an easy 8 mile walk through forest and over open moor near Penwyll. This again is a walk designed for the less experienced among us, so dust down those boots and come enjoy the great outdoors. Meet at the civic centre at 9.30 a.m. or contact Janet on 07929 053 593.

Finally, for those established members of the Tawe Trekkers wishing to partake in the upcoming llanberis bunkhouse experience planned for the 22nd August (3 nights) a twenty pound deposit must be secured with Janet Thomas by the 30th of July. The remainder of places will then be offered to other groups. Janet can be contacted on 07929 053 593. Go on, give her a call. You know you want to!

That's all from me folks,

Happy trekking,

Paul Harris

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hi fellow Trekkers,

It seems that summer is finally upon us and God in his mercy has bestowed upon us some life giving rays! Long may it last! The Friday evening walk took a group of nine trekkers on a tour of Gnoll Country park in Neath. This park plays host to a reservoir (conveniently situated as a doggie paddling pool) as well as a large pond and the well kept ruins of the house to which the grounds once belonged. Although much of the once beautiful woods have been taken away due to disease, the park remains a proud and much used escape from suburbia and offers great views of the town below. Inevitably, our intrepid party, tired from the inescapable heat following our stroll retired for a well earned drink in the Dryffin Arms near Bryncoch. Thanks to all who attended this pleasant evening.

Sunday's walk (led by myself) also boasted hot weather which made the long climb through forest to the open moors of Mynydd Twyn-glas above llanfach a sweaty one. We were rewarded in abundance however by the views from the top, the green, lush forest stretching away to the valley floor. The lunch spot was no less enticing with great views of the small town below us, part industrial, part dwelling. As Dave (Horton) noted there is something about the feeling of looking down upon a Welsh town from above that is undescribably intoxicating, the sense of being privy to, yet seperate from the buildings and people below.

After lunch our group meandered slowly back down through the forest on the other side of the valley, stopping to admire a large boundary stone set to one side of the path. There is some history to this stone, it being engraved with the name of the man who designed Big Ben in london, the son of the once land owner. Further interest was provoked by a tree in the unmistakeable shape of a rutting deer (I kid you not) which some of our group (myself included) found childish pleasure in sitting upon, as one would a beach donkey!

The walk took just over four hours and we rewarded ourselves with a much deserved pint in a local tavern before returning to our predictable lives back home. Thanks to all brave enough to let me lead you, and so far from home to boot!

Next week's walk should be a beauty, with Andrew Bevan leading us around the Usk reservoir near Trecastle. Andrew can be contacted on 07968 677 463 for details. Alternatively, come down to the Civic centre at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday morning.

That's all from me fellow trekkers.

Bye for now,

Paul Harris

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hi fellow trekkers,

I'm taking over from our Leader Dave Horton to bring you regular news of Tawe trekker's walks and events. It has taken me two months to work out how to post on here so bear with me should there be any technical hitches!

Thanks to Graham for leading last Sunday's walk which started at the mining village of Glyncorrwg, heading North to ascend an escarpment overlooking the Neath vally before descending to walk along llyn fawr. By all accounts this was a strenuous albeit interesting and enjoyable days walking. Graham's walks typically take in new and unfamiliar territory, so look out for more of the same from Graham!

Thanks in abundance to Rachel Shuker from The Black country walking group who kindly organised a four day camping trip within spitting distance of the beautiful Hay on Wye. The weather held out for the entire camp which meant much revellery as well as pleasant walking. Our little band of merry men also took to kayaks for a jaunt along the Wye. Only two of our party were lost to the rapids but thankfully they are both safe and sound following being rescued (albeit somewhat humbled by their experience). We shall say no more about this.

I (for my sins) will be leading this Friday's evening walk.. The meeting point is 7.00p.m. at the car park in the Gnoll country park, Neath. The start time is 7.00p.m. This is an easy, lazy stroll around the entire park and should take one and a half hours. All welcome!

I will also be leading this Sunday's walk around Mynydd Twyn-glas through a forested valley onto the heart of the moors.On a clear day the views from the top are spectacular and the meander back through the forest enchanting.I will be at the civic centre at 9.00 a.m. and the start point is Gwyddon Road, Llanfach near Abercarn. We will be aiming for a 10.30 a.m. start. The walk is 9 miles and is best descibed as moderate. There is a climb at the beginning of the walk which is steady and not overly steep.

Any questions contact me, Paul Harris on 07813141101

Bye for now...