Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tawe Trekker Newsletter - 25th April 2010

Tawe Trekker Newsletter - 25th April 2010
Hi everyone,
Dunraven Beach - Saturday 1st May
Join Gary on a pleasant journey through rolling sandunes, returning along this impressive yet relatively unknown part of the South Wales Coast.
Distance: 6 Miles
Difficulty: Easy
Meeting: 09.30 at County Hall car park
Contact: Gary on 07545068174. Please call Gary if you want to meet at the walk start point.
Hay Bluff and Twmpa - Sunday 2nd May
This walk is being led by Chris from the Black Country Group but Tawe Trekkers are welcome to join them! This is a large wedge of a mountain overlooking the pretty town of Hay-on-Wye on the Wales/England border.
Distance: 6 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Meeting: Call Chris Price for details
Contact: Chris on 07916274725
Pub night
Finally it's the Tawe Trekkers regular pub meet at the Brunswick this Thursday (29th April) from 8pm.
Think that's it for this week!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 19th April 2010

We've just had an excellent weekend in the Forest of Dean and a great time was had by all. We almost lost Dave's dog, but certainly couldn't've asked for better weather!

Also, would just like to say thanks to those people that have joined the Rambler's Association to validate their Group membership. After last week's message, some more people have now joined up through the RA.

There's a few items in this week's newsletter, so read on for the latest...


Kilvey Evening Walk - Thurs 22nd April

Bob is leading a walk with a difference on Thursday. A jaunt up Kilvey Hill at the novel (for us) time of 7.30 on a week day evening.

We'll meet at the Ship Inn in St. Thomas at 19.30, then walk along the Tawe before climbing the 210 metre ascent to the top of Kilvey Hill. This vantage point really is one of the best places to get great high-level views of Swansea Bay and Mumbles.
After the walk there'll be a chance to drink at the Ship Inn afterwards.

Distance: 3 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Meeting: 19.30 at the Ship Inn
Contact: Bob on 07981 963681


Mumbles to Caswell - Sun 25th April

The walk was originally going to be led by Cat, but she's not available to lead this one so Emyr will now take the route.
This is an opportunity to have a nice leisurely walk from Mumbles to Caswell (and back!) along a classic and picturesque stretch of coast path.

4 Miles
Difficulty: Easy
Meeting: 0930 at County Hall, or 0945 at Mumbles.
Contact: Emyr on 07846 879210. Please call Emyr if you intend to meet at the start point in Mumbles.


Programme Meeting - Thursday 6th May

It's coming up to that time again - the TT Programme Meeting where we will put together the list of walks and events for the next four months.
The meeting will be held at the Vivs in Sketty from 19.30 onwards. Please come along if you want to suggest or lead walks, or organise social events or weekends away. All welcome!

Contact: Trudi on 07807 726441, or Emyr on 07846 879210.


Night Out - Pumphouse - Friday 14th May!

Last week I mentioned that it had been a while since we all had a night out together (we are a social club as well for just walking!). The suggested date was the 7th May, but a more popular choice of 14th May has now emerged.

So date for your diaries; Friday 14th May at the Pumphouse in Swansea Marina. Meeting at 7.30 pm. We can go somewhere else later if the mood takes us!

It's going to be rambling-themed fancy dress, so please come suitably-attired in bobble hats, walking boots and waterproofs. Any people not wearing these items will not be allowed to take part in the event.

(I am joking about the fancy dress by the way!!! Please come as you are!)

Call me on 07766652837 for more details.


That's all for this week. See you soon!



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - Monday 12th April 2010

There's a few items in this week's newsletter so please read on. Could I please bring people's attention to the issue of Rambler's membership, covered at the end.


Tawe Trekkers Forest of Dean Weekend - 16th to 18th April

The Forest of Dean trip is next weekend!

If you're stuck for a lift, or have spare space in your car and are able to take someone, please call me, Doug on 07766652837, preferably early on this week. I can then make sure everyone's ok for transport.

Please ensure you bring a sleeping bag and towel.

People will obviously be leaving and arriving at various times on the Friday, but the plan is to have food at the pub where we're staying at about 7:30 on the Friday night (and Saturday night).

Saturday's Walk

On Saturday I'm planning a walk from Goodrich Castle (3-4 miles from the pub/bunkhouse). We'll walk from Goodrich Castle, and follow a loop along the banks of the River Wye, passing below Coldwell Rocks and the great cliff of Symonds Yat along the way. The walk is 8.5 miles long but is fairly flat so no strenuous climbs!

Sunday's Walk

On the Sunday I've got a walk lined-up which starts at the bunkhouse and follows a route through Astonbridgehill Enclosure (an area of attractive woodland) and Ruardean Hill, where we can get a good view across the Wye Valley to the Malverns and Black Mountains. This walk is 6 miles long.

Address and contact details for the bunkhouse are; The Jovial Colliers Inn and Bunkhouse, Lydbrook, Gloucestershire, GL17 9PP. Tel 01594860068 or 07078946578.

If there are any issues or questions about the weekend, please call me. Looking forward to seeing a good crowd from the Tawe Trekkers and Black Country there!


Pub Quiz - Tuesday 13th April, and Regular Pub Meet - Thursday 15th April

Bob will be Captain for Team Tawe Trekkers at the pub quiz in the Westbourne on Tuesday night. The quiz will start at about 9, but be there for 830. Call Bob on 07981 963681 for more details.

The other pub related event this week is our fortnightly meeting at the Brunswick on Thursday (15th) from 8 onwards.


Night Out - 7th May?

It's dawned that it has been a while since our last night out; I don't think we've met socially as a club (outside the Brunswick) since Christmas or New Year.

Could I suggest then that we meet for a drink at the Pumphouse (in Swansea Marina) at 8pm on Friday 7th May? Hopefully this will be an opportunity for people to catch up with each other, and a bit of social consolidation for the group!

The date/venue is only provisional at this stage so please get back to me if you can't do this date and we will aim to send out confirmation with the next newsletter.


Ramblers Association Membership - No more Mr. Nice Guy!

Although people who walk with the Tawe Trekkers have received messages on this subject before, we still have a problem with people not taking out Ramblers membership. This is not going down well with the Ramblers!

If you walk with the Tawe Trekkers, you need to join the Ramblers Association to become a valid member. (Those new to the group can try two or three walks without membership, but thereafter are required to join.)

If you are a walk leader or on the Committee then it is a statutory requirement that you are a member!

Other clubs will not let people walk with them if they don't have a valid membership. We have taken a more laid back approach (maybe that's our problem!), but if the problem persists in the TTs then we will be forced to consider similar measures soon!

If you don't have a membership then please take one out as soon as possible, preferably before your next walk. You can join easily at, remember to state your local Group as Tawe Trekkers.

There are concessionary rates and help available for those who think they will have difficulty paying the £30 per year.

I don't want to have a go at anyone, and I'll concede that as Chairperson I'm not entirely blameless for letting it get into this situation in the first place!! However, if you could cooperate with us on this one and get your membership sorted out ASAP then it would be much appreciated.

If you're unable to use the web for any reason, or want a paper application, or have any other questions or issues around membership then please call me, Doug, on 07766652837.


That's it for this week, see you soon!



Sunday, April 04, 2010

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - Mon 5th April


Foel Fraith - Black Mountain - Sun 11th April - CHANGE TO WALK ORIGINALLY ADVERTISED

Originally we were going to be going to Llanthony Priory with Emyr on this date, but he's not able to do this anymore due to a wedding that he is required to attend (not his own though...yet!).

Fear not though, as I'll be leading a walk in the Black Mountain instead. It's also easier (and closer) than the walk originally advertised, so hopefully it will tempt a few people out on the Sunday.

The route begins from a point about 5km north of Brynamman, and scales the peaks of Cefyn y Truman and Foel Fraith. There's nothing overly strenuous involved, but be prepared for a moderate climb and some potentially boggy ground. Despite that it's a lovely area for a good range of views of the Black Mountain.

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 5.5 Miles

Meeting: 930 at County Hall, or 1010 at the carpark/lay by north of Brynamman on the A4069.
If you intend to go straight to the start point, please call me first.

Contact: Doug on 07766652837


Bye for now, and see you soon.

