Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 1st Sept 2009


The Caerfanell Valley Walk - Sun 6th September

This walk encapsulates every sort of landscape found in the Brecon Beacons. Perhaps its most notable attraction is the superb skyline vistas on view around the ridges of the Caerfanell Valley. The walk starts by climbing steeply on to an impressive peak and then stays at an elevated position to give way to a range of stunning elevated views across the National Park. On the way we pass the wreckage of a Canadian bomber which crashed on a training flight in 1942(killing all crew on board). We descend back to the start point through sumptuous wooded glades riven with waterfalls. Although not of great distance, it should be noted that this walk entails some steep climbs and some slightly awkward footwork, it is therefore graded as moderate.

Distance: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: Moderate

Meeting: 0930 at County Hall or 1030 at the start point; the carpark on the road between the Pontsticill and Talybont reservoirs - GR056175.

If you plan to meet at the start point please call me, Doug, on 07766652837. (Note that Emyr was down to lead this walk but as he's unavailable on this weekend I'll be leading it instead.)


TT Winter Warmer - Lampeter Weekend 27th - 29th November

With the dark nights and a chill in the air why not lift your spirits and join in on a weekend of walking and fun. We are planning to go to Lampeter and I have booked Penty Cottage which is located in Cwmann (

As I am sure you will agree this is pretty tidy establishment (in both the Welsh and English sense of the word). The plan will be to arrive on Friday pm and frequent a local watering hole and then in time honored fashion do a medium length walk (8-10 miles) on Saturday and a shorter one on Sunday (5-6 miles).
On Saturday evening the plan will be to cook a feast and then play games, have a dance amidst a roaring fire and generally have fun. Numbers are limited to 10 so this will be a strictly first come first served basis.

If you want to come along please express your interest to Christian (07791089942) asap.

A deposit of £9 will be required with a further £22 by the 18th September (i.e. £33 in total). If there are latecomers then we will of course try to help you find alternative accommodation!


PS. If you have an aversion to sharing a double bed with a friend you may struggle!


Proms in The Park - 12th September

That festival of music; Proms in The Park, will be making it's return to Singleton Park on the 12th. Cat is organising a group to go along; if you'd like to join her give her a call on 07717752715.

Tickets are available at the Grand Theatre, people will need to sort their own tickets out and contact Cat to discuss the proposed rendezvous.


Programme Meeting - 17th September - Vivs Pub, Sketty - 1930

The next Programme meeting will be held at the Vivs in Sketty on the above date/time; no longer the distinctive yellow pub but now the distinctive red pub! (Hopefully they won't change the colour again before the meeting - that might be confusing!).

As always, we're looking for contributions for the next series of walks/events. Either bring items along with you on the night, or (preferebly), let Trudi or Emyr know beforehand. Contact:-

Emyr: 07846879210, or

Trudi: 07807726441...

To inform them of walks/events you'd like to lead/organise, or for any other queries about the programme meeting.

Note: this will replace the regular Brunswick pub night.


Cornwall Weekend: Friday 25th - Monday 28th September

The Black Country Group are organising a trip to Cornwall on this date, and in the spirit of joint events between our two groups, Emyr is organising a TT contingent! I believe that there are a few people planning to go along already.

If you're interested in joining Emyr give him a call on the number above.


It's a busy time at the moment so hope you took that all in! Before I go, just a quick reminder that it's the regular pub night at the Brunswick on Thursday (4th).

See you soon,



Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 24th August 2009


Gower Weekend - Fri 28th -Mon 31st August

This bank holiday weekend our Black Country brothers and sisters (the Black Country Walking Group) are coming to Gower. They have invited us on their walks on Saturday and Sunday, and on the Monday I'll be leading a walk through Bishopston Valley, past Brandy Cove and Pwll Du Bay. For details of Saturday and Sunday's walks please see the BCWG website:

...and you call Chris Price for further details of these07916274725.

Meanwhile, here's details for Monday's walk:

Bishopston Valley and Pwll Du Head

The walk starts from Southgate carpark (553 874) then heads inland across fields and wooded paths before descending into the richly wooded Bishopston Valley. We ascend out of the valley via a gorge, then skirt the village of Bishopston before following paths down to the wonderfully secluded Brandy Cove. This little inlet was a haven for smugglers in the 18th century landing contraband goods from France, including brandy! We continue along the limestone cliffs to Pwll Du bay, and then ascend through woods to reach the top of Pwll Du Head which affords an impressive vista of the Gower coastline and it's limestone cliffs. We finish the loop with a walk above Deep Slade gorge to return to the carpark.

Some of the tracks on the first part of the walk can get quite muddy when wet, so good boots are recommended.

Distance: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: Easy

Meeting: 0930 at County Hall, or 1000 at Southgate carpark (this is a National Trust property and charges £3 per car, so the more you share the more you'll save on parking).

Contact: Doug on 07766652837.


Swansea Beer Festival - Thurs 27th to Sun 29th August

If you like a pint of the good stuff, get yourself down to the Brangwyn Guildhall on any of these days. It's £5 to get in (£3 for Camra members), and you get a souvenir pint glass to drink your real ale from, and then take home with you when you're finished.

There's over 100 real ales (plus perrys and ciders) to choose from, with live music and good food:

I'm planning to go down on Thursday as it's less crowded on this night, plus the ales tend to sell out quickly so you'll have the best choice on a Thursday too. If you want to join me give me a call on the usual number.


That's it for this installment, so bye for now and see you all soon.



Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter 16th August

Rhosilli Down, Hardings Down and Llanmadoc Hill - Sunday 23rd August

A dramatic change of plan for this week's walk. Instead of the heart of the valleys we're heading to the Western end of Gower. Starting near Middleton we tackle in succession all the mightly peaks of West Gower - Hardings Down, Llanmadoc Hill and Rhossili Down. The 360 degree views from the high points are gloriously extensive and features of interest include ancient hill-forts and a herd of lamas!

Distance:- 8 miles

Difficulty:- Easy/moderate

Meeting Point:- Civic Centre East Carpark 9.30 as usual, or call Graham to discuss

Further details:- Contact Graham on 07770435341

The Brunswick pub - Thursday 20th August

Yes it is time for the trekkers to gather in this great watering hole again (8pm onwards). I believe Mr Jack (aka the man with the kiwis) will be in attendance so it will be a great opportunity to wish him a final farewell before he leaves Wales (although see below!).

Gwyl Pontardawe Festival - Saturday 23rd August

For those who like good music, why not join Tom and attend the the Pontardawe Festival. It's a great opportunity for people to relax, sample some of Wales finest bands and have a drink or two. Tom informs me that there is the possibility of staying over at Catrin's house. So if you if fancy making it an all nighter, just bring your sleeping bag and mat or airbed. Catrin who lives just north of Pontardawe in Ystradgynlais can comfortably host up to 7 people.

To register your interest or for further information, please contact Tom J on: 07980 477164

On that note I bid you all a good week.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 10th Aug 2009


Penllergaer Woods *Evening Walk* Thursday 13th August

If you'd like to wind down on Thursday evening with a nice walk, then it just happens that Emyr is leading a route through Penllergaer Woods on the 13th. An easy stroll through a pleasant forested landscape just north of Swansea, it's close (to Swansea), quite easy to find, and best of all there's the chance of having a beer with Emyr afterwards in a nearby pub. Here's the vital statistics:

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 3.5 Miles

Meeting: 1830 at the Swansea Council office buildings just off M4 Jct 47 and the A48 (you are able to park in the office carpark).

For more details or directions please call Emyr on 07846879210.


Cwm Clydach - Sun 16th August

Here's some info from Babs on her Clydach Valley walk, note the slight variation from the programme:

I've had to change it a bit due to parking and access problems, it's shorter than advertised on the programme and futher down the valley.

We'll be walking up through the Cwm Clydach Nature Reserve (a pretty riverside walk), then climbing up to return via farmland and moorland with good views of the Clydach and Pontardawe valley. The walk is approx. 5 miles long and moderate, with some rather muddy bits and steep slopes.

We can retire to the pub near the car park afterwards or travel over to Felindre to enjoy our drinks.

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 5 Miles

Meeting: 0930 in County Hall car park or at 1015 at Cwm Clydach Nature Reserve car park just south of Craig Cefn Parc, ref. SN 683 026.

Please contact Barbara on 07810 715390 for more details or if you are going straight to the start point.


Band Night (Bon Jovi Tribute!) - Sat 15th Aug at Milkwood Jam

If you're sad after Tom and Sarah's leaving do on the 14th, then this might cheer you up. It's a Bon Jovi tribute act playing at the Milkwood Jam venue. Tickets are £6 in advance or £8 on the door. The band kicks off at 1930 but a few of the trekkers should be meeting at that legendary 'mush' pub; the Potters Wheel, at 1900.

Linds is organising, and she has advised that tight trousers, big hair and glitter a must - girls, you're free to wear what you like!

Call Linds on 07540594527 for more details.


Team Tawe Trekkers - Swansea Bay 10k Race - Sun 27th Sept

Martin is trying to put a team of elite athletes together from that icon of physical endurance; the Tawe Trekkers. If you'd like to run with Martin and other Trekkers in the Swansea Bay 10k race then you're best off booking asap as places may be oversubscribed.

More details and booking available at:

Or call Martin on 07743593068.


Well as the saying goes; that's it for another week. See you soon.



Monday, August 03, 2009

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 3rd August 2009

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 3rd August 2009

Hi everyone,

Bosherston Lilyponds walk - Sunday 9th August

This week Emyr will be leading us on a walk from the village of Bosherston in South Pembrokeshire. Leaving Bosherston we'll head for the cliff tops and St Govan’s Head and chapel then head to Broad Haven beach and the to the Lilyponds.
This walk is well worth the extra drive having reccied it with Emyr a couple of weeks ago! There will also be an option following the walk to spend the remainder of the afternoon in Tenby or, weather permitting, spend the afternoon on Broadhaven beach!

Distance: approx 5 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Meeting: County Hall at 9.15am or 11am at the National Trust car park in Bosherston (please note the earlier meeting time at county hall and if you plan to meet at the start point it's essential you call Emyr prior to the walk).

Parking: £4 per car at Bosherston, it goes without saying everyone will need to contribute to petrol/car parking fee.

Contact: Call Emyr on 07846879210

That's about it for this week. Don't forget it's the usual pub meet at the Brunswick this Thursday (6th August) from 8pm onwards!
