Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter: 1st Sep to 7th Sep


Mumbles Hill & Social Night - Fri 5th Sep

This is an evening walk and social event in one. We're meeting at the carpark by Boots in Mumbles, and will take a leisurely stroll along the promenade, to Bracelet Bay and then back via Mumbles Hill. It might get dark towards the end of the walk so bring a torch!
We do have plans to go for food and a pub afterwards but haven't decided on details yet. Janine was organising this aspect of the night but she has extended her stay in the Lake District and probably won't be in Swansea on the night, so we will do the social aspect on ad hoc basis. It's alright, Janine, we'll manage without you!! ;-) Here's the lowdown for the walk:

Meeting: 1900 at Carpark ouside Boots

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 2.5 Miles

Contact: Andrew B on 07791545342. Note: the number on the programme for Andrew is wrong, and is actually for another Andrew; Trudi's friend who lives in Leamington Spa (long story!)


Beacons Horseshoe - Sun 7th Sep

If you're up for a bit of a challenge on Sunday, with stunning scenery, then this walk might tickle your fancy.

There are two walks often referred to as the 'Beacon's Horseshoe.' One goes from the Neaudd Reservoir and approahes Pen y Fan from the south, but this one goes from Cwm Gwdi, north of Pen y Fan, and then traces a shape on the map that looks curiously like a cloven hoof via Bryn Teg, Cribyn, Pen-y-Fan, Corn Du and Cwm Lllwch. My guidebook refers to it as 'arguably the finest mountain walk in South Wales.' Best that you be the judge of that claim!

The walk does have some steep and strenuous climbs, and is graded it as strenuous. If we are blighted by treacherous weather and poor visibility then I'm going to do an alternative walk if there is demand for it. However, I'm hoping that fortune shines down on us (literally) so that we can take advantage of this stunning route.

Meeting: County Hall at 0930, or the carpark at Cwm Gwdi at approx 1000.

Difficulty: Strenuous.

Distance: 9.5 Miles

Contact: Doug on 07766652837.

Please call me if you plan to meet at the start point in Cwm Gwdi, so I know who/how many to expect and can advise on the alternative walk if applicable.


We're still waiting for cheques for Exmoor, so get a wiggle-on and send your money to Rob! (See previous newsletter for address and details). On the subject of previous newsletters; these can all be viewed on the website under the 'Newsletter' tab, so if your after some past information, or just want a bit of bed-time reading, you know where to look. The next pub night at the Brunswick is this Thursday, if you can take two social evenings in a row!



Monday, August 25, 2008

TaweTrekkers Newsletter - 25th Aug to 31st Aug


Cerreg Cennen - Sunday 31st Aug

This week's walk is through almost divinely beautiful countryside with loads of features of interest! Starting at the Cerreg Cennen car park we walk west towards Black Mountain and are rewarded with stunning views of Cerreg Cennen Castle on it's lofty perch. We also take in some weird limestone formations and the very unusual source of the River Loughor.

Returning to the River Cennen we walk West along the river to the award-winning village of Trapp where a lunch-time drink might be obtained at the Cennen Arms.

Heading North, and then circling round to the East, we cross some pleasant farmland and are rewarded with outstanding views of the Tywi Valley with it's crop of castles and historical features.

Cerreg Cennen Castle then becomes our marker as we turn back South and return to the car-park. After the walk we can sample the delights of the Cerreg Cennen cafe or explore the Castle (£3.70 per adult) - or possibly both depending upon the time.

We're almost certain to see Red Kites on the walk and might be luck enough to see a brown hare as I did on the recce.

Distance: 9 Miles

Meeting place: County Hall Car Park at 0930 or Cerreg Cennen carpark at 10.15 ( SN666193)

Grade: Overall Moderate.

There are one or two steepish climbs, a couple of streams to ford and as is usually the case with my walks some seldom-trodden sections which are quite overgrown.

Dogs: Due to the large number of stiles and the abundance of livestock, small portable dogs on leads only please.

Contact: Call Graham on 07770 435341 for further details

Tawe Trekkers Baby Pictures!
In last week's newsletter we announced the arrival of Iolo, new-born son of Heather and Martin. We have a picture of Iolo here with his mum and dad.
Many of you won't have met Heather and Martin, and they haven't been along for a while (for obvious reasons!!). They were among the first members in the early days of the club when we were trying to get things off the ground, and both helped significantly with the walks and social aspects.
We hope that as soon as Iolo is old enough to come on walks we can welcome all three of them back to the TTs!

That's about it for another week. Next pub night at the Brunswick is on Thursday 4th September, and before I go, remember to get your cheques to Rob for the Exmoor trip!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter 18th Aug - 25th Aug


Laugharne/Lacharn, and the Taf Estuary - Bank Holiday Monday 25 August

There's nothing Dyl about this walk! And the weather is guaranteed as the Welsh rain gods always go out of their way to please Welsh speaking leaders from the land of their fathers !
This is a very sociable short walk, that begins at the foot of Laugharne Castle, before winding up through forest where there are lovely views over the Taf Estuary and beyond.
There is a mixture of forestry, fields and rural roads along the five and a half-mile route, which passes the boathouse once occupied by Dylan Thomas during the last four years of his life, between 1949 and 1953. There will be plenty of sociable time after the walk to enjoy a drink and food in the quaint centre of Laugharne.

Distance: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: Easy

Meeting Point: 9.30 County Hall Car Park or 10.30 Laugharne Castle Car Park

Call Rhidian on 07904199350




The Gower MacMarathon - Sat 13th Sept - Book Now!

Emyr has warned that enrolment for the Gower MacMarathon is getting full up, so if you'd like to take part in this event and haven't booked yet please do so asap! Here's the link to the website: (another long one!), or give Emyr a call on 07846879210


Exmoor Weekend - Change of Date - Book Now!

We've had to do a bit of shuffling with the programme (new version appearing on website shortly). The date of the Exmoor weekend has changed to 3rd to 5th October.

Based on 12 turning up it will be £13.50 per night per person/£27 for the two nights. If we get less (which is unlikely), it will cost a bit more, if we get more, then people will get a small refund.

This is a cheap way to spend a great weekend in a truly beautiful part of the country. The walking will consist of a mixture of coastal and moorland trails, and Tom informs us that there is a pub close to the bunkhouse!

We'll need money as soon as possible, so please post cheques for £13.50 or £27 to the Treasurer:

Rob Lewis, 107 Crymlyn Parc, Skewen, Neath, SA10 6EF by 3rd September!

If you want to discuss details of the weekend with Tom please call him on 07980477164.

Here's a link to some info on the bunkhouse:


Swansea Beer Festival - August 21st - 23rd

This event used to be held at the Ostreme Centre in Mumbles but due to its popularity, outgrew the venue. Since last year it has been held at the Guildhall. Here's a link to some info, though there's sparse details here:

It's a fiver to get in (and you get a nice glass and a programme with that too). Thursday is arguably the best day to go; it's the least crowded (so less queuing time for all those lovely beers), and stocks also tend to run low on subsequent days. There will be a great many real ales making an appearance at the festival, ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. As well as enjoying the fun of intoxication, you might actually find it quite interesting!

Some of us are going on the Thursday, but this may not be ideal what with work, etc, and you may want to organise your own splinter groups for Sat or Sun, and then we can compare notes the week after!

For more info give Doug a call on 07766652837.


New Member!

We are pleased to announce that Heather and Martin have had a baby boy, born last Tuesday; Iolo Cameron, 8lbs 9.5oz.

Martin and Heather met through their shared love of walking and it was the Tawe Trekkers that drew both their fates together into this outcome!! Technically speaking then, Iolo Cameron is the first Tawe Trekkers baby! The first of many I wonder?!?!?!?

Congratulations both, and welcome to the World, Iolo.


Well after all that excitement you better go and have a sit down and a cup of tea! Remember it's pub night on Thursday, but some of us may be at the beer festival instead, so if you're in a crisis over which venue to turn up to, give me a call.

Bye for now,


Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi all,

The weather's been a bit dodgy lately and unfortunately the walk had to be cancelled last weekend. Sarah's BBQ turned into an inside job, but a great time was still had by all, especially as we had 5 Koreans and a South African join us in an interesting cultural exchange. Looking ahead; let's hope we have some good conditions on Saturday's walk around Talybont Reservoir!


Talybont Reservoir Circuit - Sat 16th August

A bit different from our usual stamping ground this one, it follows a path round the Talybont Reservoir in the Eastern Brecon Beacons and then trails around the spectacular ridges of Craig y Fan Ddu and Graig Fan Las.

It's a fair trek at around 13 miles, and has about 650 metres of ascent. Here's the lowdown:

Meeting Points: County Hall Carpark at 0930 or the carpark alongside the Talybont Reservoir at about 1030 (GR099197)

Difficulty: Moderate-to-Strenuous

Distance: 13 Miles

For more info or directions give me, Doug a call on 07766652837.


It's My Birthday and I'll Cry if I Want To...

Don't mean to hog the newsletter(!), but if anyone's up for joining me for some low-key birthday celebrations after the walk then we'll be meeting at a time and place TBC in Swansea for a drink or two.


New Programme

Watch out for the new programme, due to hit your inboxes anytime soon! Trudi has done a sterling job in pulling this year's programme together, and you will see the results of her handywork shortly. For programme queries please give Trudi a call on 07807726441.




Monday, August 04, 2008

Tawe Trekkers Newsletter - 4th Aug to 10th Aug

Fan Brycheinog and Dan yr Ogof - Sat 9th August

Alex N leads a walk of rivers and ridges this Saturday from Dan yr Ogof Caves. The route follows a stretch of the Afon Giedd and the spectacular ridge of Fan Brycheinog (try saying that with a mouthful of trail mix). Although the programme says 5-6 miles, the walk is actually around 10 miles long. Here's the details...

Meeting Points/Times: Carpark at County Hall at 0930 or the carpark at Dan-yr-Ogof caves at 1030 (not the main one but the one by the campsite and the sign to the mountain path). There is a charge of £3 per car for the Dan-yr-Ogof carpark.

Difficulty: Moderate to Strenuous

Distance: 10 Miles

Time: Approx 5 hours

Contact: Alex N on 01792296685


Beach BBQ at Oxwich Bay - Sun 10th Aug
Enjoy the summer weather while it lasts and join the TTs for a BBQ on Oxwich Bay! Meet on the beach by the seafront carpark from 12 (midday) onwards. Baps and sauces will be provided but bring your own food, barbeques and equipment (cutlery, tongs, plates, matches, kerosene, etc). Sarah T is organising and the BBQ is weather dependent so if it's looking a bit dodgy give her a call on 07767201787.


That's it for another week, remember it's pub night at the Brunswick on Thursday from around 8pm.

