Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hi all,

Here's the latest instalment of goodies from the Tawe Trekkers. The new (Summer) programme is almost ready and should be with you in the next few days! In the meantime, read on to see what's coming up...


Rhidian's Ramble in the Afan Forest - Sat 3rd May

Remember that reluctantly Rob was required to relinquish his rail ramble so rogue Rhidian runs a replacement roaming. Rhid writes a review relating to recent recce:

"This is a moderate walk that follows the River Afan before climbing steeply out of the wooded valley over Mynydd Nant-y-Bar (and no, this doesn't mean there is a bar at the top of the hill!). Much of the walk follows an old railway line constructed to take coal from the valley. We will stop for lunch at the ruins of a farm built over a stream which gave fresh water to the site. There are just a couple of stiles on this walk and therefore would be suitable for dogs on a lead. A good walk for a windy day as the vast majority is sheltered by the forest."

Meeting Points: County Hall at 9.30 or Afan Forest Visitor Car Park at 10.15.

Distance: 8 Miles

Difficulty: Moderate

Contact: Rhidian (07904199350)


Berkshire Walkers Group Come to Swansea - 10th/11th May

If the Tiger Bay Rambler's are our big sister, then the Berkshire Walkers must be our distant cousin who we've never met...until now! They're coming to Swansea on the weekend of the 10th and 11th May and have kindly invited us to join them on their walks. Here's an outline of their plans:

Saturday 10th May: Mumbles, Langland and Caswell Bays, Clyne Common and Gardens 10 miles. Moderate (mostly flat with one short climb).

Sunday 11th May: Port Eynon, Worms Head and Rhossilli. There's a choice here of the full circular route (13 miles) or a 6.5 mile bus ramble.

The group have booked out a restaurant for the Saturday night in Mumbles and unfortunately there's no places left for the Trekkers. However, thought we could do our own thing in Mumbles on the same night and then leave open the possibility of meeting up with the Berkshire group later? Let me know your ideas!

More details will follow, but if you just can't wait please call me (Doug) on the usual number.


Before I go; a quick reminder that it's our regular pub night at the Brunswick on Thursday (1st May).



Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Programme Meeting last week was the busiest in the history of the Tawe Trekkers, and the Summer Programme will be very full! Watch this space while we sort through the information and prepare the programme for publication. Also, to remind those who are organising walks and/or events; please could you email details to the club if you haven't already so that we can adapt it to go into the new programme.


Sunday 27th April - The Giedd Forest Walk

Alex N leads the way in a walk around the upper Swansea valley which includes the Giedd forest along with some open stretches of hills and moors. Alex and Christian did the admirable deed of reccying this walk on the weekend in less than clement weather, and it led to Alex coining it his 'depressing walk.' Don't let that deter you though (think he was just going though a low patch), this walk should be a winner in the right conditions.

Meeting Times: 0930 at County Hall Carpark or about 1015 at the walk start point; Cwmgiedd Picnic Site at GR792128.

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 10 Miles

Contact: Alex N on 01792296685


Social Events from Laura and Keith!

Laura and Keith have kindly organised a special deal for Jongleurs Comedy Club, and what's more, opened up the invitation to their Wedding Party for the Trekkers! Thanks both, here's the details from Laura...

"Jongleurs Comedy Club in Cardiff, Friday 25th April. We have 8 tickets for £25, so e-mail, phone or text asap to get one! or 07968109145. When there’re gone there’re gone! (if more folks want to come I think we could just get normal price tickets (£10) and sort out the cost between us later.)

And event two is our Wedding Party on 3rd May in the Dragon Hotel, from 7 pm. Magician, Blues Band, a little bit of food and Wedding Cake. Come as you are, hiking boots welcome."


Change of Walk - Sat 3rd May

In the true spirit of British Rail Travel; Rob's Rail Ramble will now be delayed until Sat 17th May. To replace it on the 3rd of May we will now have Rhidian's Afan Forest walk; here's a description from the Rhidmeister himself...

"This is a moderate walk that follows the river afan before climbing steeply out of the wooded valley over Mynydd Nant-y-Bar (and no, this does'nt mean there is a bar at the top of the hill !). Much of the walk follows an old railway line constructed to take coal from the valley. We will stop for lunch at the ruins of a farm built over a stream which gave fresh water to the site. There are just a couple of stiles on this walk and therefore would be suitable for dogs on a lead. A good walk for a windy day as the vast majority is sheltered by the forest."

More details to follow.


Until next time, cheers,


Monday, April 14, 2008

Newsletter - Cefn Bryn Walk and More

Hi all,

Another busy week this one, we have the Programme Meeting on Thursday, the meal at Wasabi on Friday and Trudi's Gower walk on Sunday. First of all let's look at what Trudi has in store for us on Gower; it was advertised on the programme as a 'Gower Surprise.' Trudi's led this route before (that's the surprise), but it was raining cats and dogs last time so here's hoping for one of the best Gower walks in nice weather...


Cefn Bryn and Oxwich Bay - Sun 20th Apr

This is a classic Gower walk over Cefn Bryn, through Penrice Woods and along Oxwich and Three Cliffs Bays; a favourite amongst many Trekkers. The walk is recommended for its stunning elevated views across to Devon and Lundy, and it's a nice varied mixture of hills, woods, meadows, and of course, beaches! If you speak to Trudi nicely she might even find somewhere to stop for icecream along the way.

Meeting Points: County Hall at 0930, or the National Trust Carpark at Penmaen (optional donation).

Distance: 7 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Contact: Trudi on 0780 7726441.


Other Reminders - Programme Meet and TT Meal on Friday

These have been covered in previous newsletters, but in case you've forgotten we have the:

1) Programme Meeting on Thursday (17th) at the Vivs in Sketty from 19:30. The Vivs double-booked the meeting room at the back (apparently the Diving Club were there already), so we will now be in the sofa area at the top. They're nice comfy sofas, just don't fall asleep or we'll have to poke you with a walking pole. Call Trudi (Prog Sec) for details on the number above.

2) Meal at Wasabi on Friday (18th). Meeting at the said restaurant in Uplands at 19:30, this promises to be a night of mirth and merriment with some very interesting and exotic cuisine. If you haven't told Tyra you're coming yet give her a ring on 07960378639.


Lorraine has texted me saying that Aldi has trekking gear on Thursday and Lidl on Monday. If you're not familiar with these occasional offers put on by these chains then you should go along and you might be pleasantly suprised by the quality and price! (The sausages are nice too).

And on that note, that's about it.



Monday, April 07, 2008

Newsletter - 3 Cliffs - Programme Meeting - Wasabi

Hi all,

We've just come back from a great weekend in the Malverns, the highlights were:

1) Sleeping in freezing cold tents
2) Lots of people drinking lots of cider, which led to people...
3) Drumming to 'Badger FM' on saucepans and other ad-hoc percussive implements
4) A lovely walk across the full range of the Malvern Peaks (big thanks to Chris Price from the Black Country Group for leading and lending us his local knowledge)
5) Snow on the Sunday!

Anyway, here's what's coming up in the few days ahead...


Parkmill and Fairwood Lodge - Sat 12th April

This should be a pleasant walk across Gower countryside taking in the stunning Three Cliffs Bay. It's a nice mixture of woodland, fields and coast, and is sure to end up in a pub!
Meeting Points: 0930 in County Hall Car Park. I'm not sure where the walk is starting from as I can't get hold of Rob at the moment, but if you want to find out try Rob on the number below.

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 12 Miles

Contact: Rob L on 07990807510


Programme Meeting - Thu 17th Apr

The Summer Programme Meeting will take place at 1930 in the Meeting Room at the Vivs Pub in Sketty. Please come along with ideas for walks and events, to get your name down as a leader, or just for fun! Remember we want to encourage lots of people to get involved, be it in organising weekends away or social events, leading walks or just putting forward suggestions.

Trudi is our new Programme Secretary! Give her a call on 07807726441 for details.

Social Event – Wasabi Restaurant
The day after the Prog Meet we have a nice meal on the Friday at 'Wasabi.' Contact Tyra for details on 07960378639 or to reserve a place if you haven't already.


Have a great weekend, I will be in Bonnie Scotland sampling the whisky, so see you at the Programme Meeting.

