Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hi all,

There's no regular walk this weekend as we have the Malverns trip. If you're not coming with us but still want to get out for some walking, then remember as a Rambler's Association member you can walk with any RA club, including the Tiger Bay Ramblers, but don't go defecting now will you?!

That said, looks like most of the regulars are coming to Malverns anyway, there's 17 of us so should be quite a lively gathering.


Malverns Trip This Weekend - 4/5/6th April

Arrangements are almost finalised, but for those coming please take note of the following:

You'll need to bring sleeping bags as linen is not usually provided. If you haven't got a sleeping bag then you may be able to rent some blankets from the bunkhouse for a couple of quid, but they've told me supplies are limited(?!)

Here's the link to the bunkhouse website:

Check-in is any time on the Friday afternoon, they seem pretty laid back about that. We're going to be arriving at different times depending on which car we're going up in. Lifts are now being arranged between people 'offline' but if there are any problems please give me, Doug a call.

For those of you who want to eat in Ledbury on the Friday night, shall we say leave the bunkhouse to head into town at about 8pm?


Wasabi Restaurant - Friday 18th April

The day after the Programme Meeting on the 17th, Tyra has organised a bit of Oriental grub for us at Wasabi restaurant in Uplands. Don't worry if you don't like raw fish, they do lots of other lovely stuff (that has actually been cooked). Have a look at Tyra's attachment for more details and give her a call on 07960378639 to make sure you reserve a place.


That's it for now, remember it's our regular pub night at the Brunswick on Thursday 3rd April.



Sunday, March 23, 2008

Newsletter - 3 Peaks - Merthyr Mawr Dunes - More Midweek Comedy and More!

STOP PRESS - We will be doing another walk that's new to the programme on Sunday in addition to Saturday's Abergavenny Three Peaks Challenge (for those of you who don't fancy a 20 mile leg-buster). This option of an altogether more leisurely stroll is a splendid 7.5 miles around the Merthyr Mawr sand dunes led by Tom J.

Of course, the Abergavenny 3 Peaks Trial is still on so if you're feeling hard-core then why not try both!


Abergavenny 3 Peaks Trial - Sat 29th March

Every year the Cardiff Outdoor Group organise this event as a test of stamina and navigation. It is also a great deal of fun plus the scenery and landscape in this region is really something else.

There are a choice of routes, and we are lined up for the 'Gold Route:' This is a circular challenge walk of about 20 miles and 5000 feet of ascent. It crosses over three prominent peaks around Abergavenny: Skirrid, Sugar Loaf and Blorenge. This route is never far from civilisation yet there is no obvious route so that concentration on map reading is essential to keep to the best route.

The event will start from the Red Cross Hall at Fairfield Car Park, Abergavenny (GR S0299146). If you want to share lifts from the Swansea area and/or be part of the Team Tawe Trekkers (TTT) then please use me as a central point of contact: Doug - 07766652837.

To register on the day we will have to be at the start point by 8am. This means an early start, and will mean leaving from Swansea area at about 0630 - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!

It will help if you read the conditions on the website before the walk so that you come prepared: if you're not sure about anything call me or the number provided on the Cardiff outdoor Group Website -

We need a map, compass and whistle between each three people. I have two maps, one whistle and one compass so others may need to provide some equipment depending on how many we've got turning up. Please ring me if you want to join in and I'll advise accordingly.


Merthyr Mawr Sand Dune Walk - Sun 30th March

We realised late-on that we had been a bit inconsiderate putting two hard walks on two consequetive weeks, and may have been putting off the people who prefer more leisurely routes!

To redress the balance we've commisioned the services of Tom J (yes, we have two Tom's now), to lead a lovely walk through farmland, forest and across the Merthyr Mawr dunes in the luxuriant landscape of the Vale of Glamorgan. Tom is an experienced orienteer and he hails from vale himself so you'll be in safe hands! His walk touches on the same route we followed on the Bridgend walk the other week, but heads south to the sandy realm of the dunes rather than north to Bridgend. Here's the lowdown:

Distance: 7.5 Miles

Difficulty: Easy (200 metres of ascent, 3-4 stiles)

Meet Points/Times: 0930 at Swansea County Hall Carpark or 1030 at the Carpark by Ogmore Castle. (You may want to park in the Pelican Pub from which we were ejected by the proprietor the last time we were there, but it's not recommended given his temperament.)

For more details or directions please call Tom J on 07980477164.


Social Event - Comedy at the Grand - Wed 26th March

These nights are great way to break up the week and are proving very popular with the Trekkers! Rob L is organising another one of these at the Grand Theatre; be there by 730 for an 8pm start to get a ticket before this month's selection of stand-up is revealed!

Call Rob on 07990807510 for details.


Malverns Weekend Update - 4/5/6th April

Thanks to all of those Malvern Weekenders who got back with info about lifts; plans are coming together now and we have a couple of car-fulls sorted. I'm still waiting for responses from a few people so could everyone coming to the Malverns please email the club as soon as possible and say:

Whether you can give/need a lift

Where you're going from

What time you're planning on leaving

We've also got some information from the Black Country Group on the Saturday's walk, it involves a short train journey as it is a linear walk. Here's a brief description sent by the Black Country Group who will be kindly leading the walk for us!

Start time 9.45 from Ledbury Station to allow time to get ticket and catch 10.07 train to Malvern Link Start Point: Ledbury Train Station has a free car park. This is a linear ridgeway walk taking in North Hill, Worcestershire Beacon, Pinnacle Hill, Herefordshire Beacon and Eastnor Park. There is a pub stop half-way.

Walk leader: Gene: e-mail:


That's it for now. See you on the far post.



Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hello again!

This week's assortment of items includes a breathtaking walk in the Brecon Beacons on Saturday, an update on the Malverns Weekend and information on a charity walk up Snowdon.


Fan Fawr - Brecon Beacons - Saturday 22nd March

This Saturday we will venture west from the Storey Arms on an isolated, lesser trodden route (away from the crowded paths around Pen-y-Fan!). If visibility is good our journey will yield some truly majestic scenery, following the peaks of Fan Fawr, Fan Frynych, Fan Dringarth, and Fan Llia. The walk will include a path that follows the ridges around the Ystradfellte Reservoir. I won't say any more about it here, you'll just have to come along to experience one of the best adventures to be had in the Brecon Beacons.

At 13 miles and with approx. 950 metres of ascent I would put this walk in the 'strenuous' category. Sorry I shouldn't say 13 as that's unlucky, so call it 12a miles.

Please give me, Doug, a call if you're unsure about anything. Remember to bring enough layers, waterproofing and calorific stodge with you so you're comfortable on the day. I'll also have a first aid kit with me - but that doesn't mean we want any injuries!

Meeting Time/Place: We will be meeting earlier than usual to give us a fighting chance to complete the walk comfortably. We'll be leaving County Hall Car Park at 0900 (rather than the usual 0930). Alternatively you can meet us at the start point; the carpark opposite the Storey Arms on the A470 at 1000 (Grid Ref. 983203)

Difficulty: Strenuous

Distance: 12a Miles

Contact: Doug

On the way back my plan is to stop at the Red Lion pub in Penderyn, which is a lovely little place with an open fire and a decent range of real ales (if that's your cup of tea, if not, you could just have an actual cup of tea).

Call Doug on 07766652837 with any questions about the walk route, directions to start point, etc.


Malverns Weekend Update - 4/5/6th April - Please Respond!

The Malverns Weekend is now full to the rafters! Apologies to anyone else who would like to come, and unfortunately I've had to put off some enquiries. This is a note for those coming on the weekend to respond with information for lift-sharing.

Could I please ask that people email the club (on this address) to say:

-Whether they can drive up/back to Ledbury

-Where they will be going from

-What time they want to/are able to leave Swansea area on the Friday

This should enable us to sort out lifts beforehand and make the best use of cars (in theory).

More information will be issued around walks, meals, etc. shortly.

Call Doug for info.


Snowdon 500 - 17th May 2008 - In Aid of Prostate Cancer Research

Emyr is looking to get a group of people together for this event on 17th May. here's a bit about the event from the website:

"Sign up now and register for Snowdon 500 to secure your place in this unique charity challenge event to raise vital funds for Prostate Cancer research.
This multi-participation ascent of Mt. Snowdon by up to 500 people promises to be a really exciting and fun day out. The day will guarantee a real physical challenge with a chance to enjoy some of the most beautiful and stunning scenery in the British Isles."

And here's the website:

The plan is to stay in Bala on the Friday and Saturday Nights, and on the Sunday do a nice walk up Aran Mountain (near Bala).

Give Emyr a call on 07846879210 for more details and to join him on this event. He highly recommends it as a sociable, enjoyable challenge!


Phew, are we there yet? Before I go, just to remind people that we have our regular pub night at the Brunswick in Sandfields on Thursday 20th March. As most people won't have work the next day due to the Easter Holiday, this could be a good opportunity to partake of a few more orange squashes than usual.



Monday, March 10, 2008

Newsletter - Weobley Castle Walk - Sun 16th March

Hi all,

Every week is different in the Tawe Trekkers! This one is no exception; we have yet another unique combination which includes castles in North Gower, more comedy, and the event you've all been waiting for...Emyr singing in his band! (Swoon)


Weobley Castle and Llanmadoc

Christian leads us on this walk which starts in Llandimore and heads towards Weobley Castle which was an impressive medieval manner house. The walk then heads via Ryer's Down towards the picturesque village of Llanmadoc where we can stop for a 'jar.'
If the weather's good we can make an excursion to Whiteford Sands before returning back with views of the extensive salt marshes that line the southern edge of the Loughor Estuary.

Meeting Times: 0930 at County Hall Car Park or 1015 at Llandimore (call Christian for directions).

Distance: 6 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Contact: Christian on 07791089942


Social Events - Comedy Night and Band!

We have two last-minute social events for you this week. Firstly Graham has recommended a comedy night that is allegedly better and cheaper than the one at the Grand Theatre!
On Thursday 13th March at the Coyote, Green Dragon Lane (off Wind Street) Mad Dog Comedy present Frank Honeybone (MC), Gregg Rogers, Eddie Harris, Gareth Shoulder and Ian Cognito. Graham went last month and says it was as good as the standard at the Grand if not better - and only £3!
You just turn up and pay on the door. 8.00pm for 8.30 pm start.
Call Graham on 07770435341 for details.

Secondly, Emyr's very own band are playing on Friday 14th March at Cafe Valence, Newton Road, Mumbles. It starts at 7:30 and entry is free! Give Emyr a.k.a 'Bryn' a call on 07846879210 for details.


That's it for now, see you next week!



Monday, March 03, 2008

Walking, Wine and Song - Bridgend Walk and Social with TBR


There's a real treat in store for you all this week; a lovely walk in idyllic countryside followed by food and drink into the night. This event is a bit of a hybrid, being both a walk and a social event, it is also a joint event with our bigger (uglier) sister; the Tiger Bay Ramblers, and it is also a rail ramble - what more could you ask for?! Well actually, you could ask for full choir and orchestra suite to play for you the day after, and guess what...there's one of those as well!


River Ogmore and Merthyr Mawr with the Tiger Bay Ramblers - Saturday 8th March

The walk will begin from from Bridgend Railway Station. We'll continue on a scenic route which runs alongside the River Ogmore and through splendid rolling countryside. On the way we pass a riverside nature reserve, the remains of Ogmore Castle and the picturesque village of Merthyr Mawr. Half way, just after crossing the famous stepping stones across the River Ogmore, we have the opportunity to stop at the legendary Pelican Pub, where we might be able to catch some of those muddy egg-chasers on TV.

On returning to Bridgend we plan to have a drink and evening meal in the Barracuda Bar. Here's the menu: We will take numbers of people eating before the walk and confirm that they can accomodate us post-ramble.

If you are not coming on the walk but want to eat with us afterwards, please give me a call before Saturday to have your number added to the 'dining list'! You'll also be well-off to ring me during the day to get an estimate of when we'll be meeting back in Bridgend and having food.

Meeting Times: Swansea Station at 10:00 (to give us plenty of time to get our tickets and catch the 10:29 train) or 11:15 outside Bridgend Station (for an 11:30 start).

The are regular trains to take us back to Swansea, the last one being at 7 minutes past midnight! (Wonder if anyone will end up going back that late?)

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 5.5 Miles

Give me, Doug a call on 07766652837 for details.


Tabernacl Choir and Orchestra - 9th March - 7:45pm

We seem to have acquired a lot of musical talent in the club over the months. We have Emyr; Penllegaer's answer to Bryn Terfel, then there's Big Rob who has launched a burgeoning solo career in acoustic rock, not forgetting Tom and Andrew who both play in their own bands.

Now we have Emily, who is singing in a concert in Bridgend on Sunday. If you want to return to Bridgend on the Sunday to listen to the dulcet tones of Emily and her fellow choristers then here are the details:

Tabernacl Choir and Orchestra present:

Requiem (Faure)
Mass in G (Schubert)

9th March, 7:45 pm

Kevin Adams - Conductor
Meinier Thomas - Soprano
Iestyn Morris - Tenor
Stephen Hamnett - Bass

£7 tickets, £6 concessions, and at the door

Tel 01656 654 899


And if that sumptuous feast of walking, wine and song isn't enough for you, then remember it's our regular pub night on Thursday at the Brunswick.

