Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Newsletter - Treasure Hunt in Mumbles and the Malverns Weekend

Hi there,

This week we have something a bit different for you, a treasure hunt in Mumbles and news from Doug 'bout a weekend down Dorset Way.
Treasure Hunt - Friday 1st Feb 2008
This Friday, we have a treasure hunt for any wannabe pirates out there in that old smugglers den of Mumbles. Meeting at 7.30pm down at the Pier, we will need to to have teams of 2 or 3 of you, maybe more if you want, and you will be given a sheet of clues that should, if all goes to plan, lead to a treasure trove (well a bottle of wine actually, but you get the drift).

I can't tell you where it will end up, but I hope that you will find it. Come and join us, it is free, and it should also provide a bit of a test of your map reading skills as well.

Please bring with you if you can:-
  • A compass (one per team at least)
  • A torch (One each is best)
  • A 25000 map of Mumbles, OS Sheet 165 should do (One per team)

The clues will take to a range of different locations scattered throughout Mumbles and it should be a nice stroll round Mumbles at least.
Malverns Weekend - 4th to 6th April

Roll up for a weekend in the rolling splendour of the Malvern Hills. We'll be going up on Friday 4th April and returning on Sunday 6th, staying in the Berrow Bunkhouse near Ledbury: http://www.berrowhouse.co.uk/.

What's more, this is a joint weekend with our friends; the Black Country Walking Group, so there will be lots of opportunity for cultural exchange and the like. No really, they are a great bunch and we've always had a good laugh with them when we've met up on previous trips in the past.

Usual format for the itinerary: Roll up on the Friday afternoon, pub for food (or self catering if you'd prefer). There will be a longer walk on the Saturday, followed by a meal at a pub or restaurant, and drinking into the evening. On Sunday we'll do a shorter walk in the morning, then no doubt some of us will stop somewhere for lunch before leaving the vicinity (may as well make a proper weekend out of it).

Berrow Bunkhouse has 15 places, (plus about another 5 spaces for camping if you want to rough it). This is strictly first-come-first-served, and places can only be guaranteed by receipt of payment.
Cost is £8 per night/£16 for the whole weekend so please send your cheques for £16, made payable to 'Tawe Trekkers' to our Treasurer;
Rob Lewis
107 Crymlyn Parc
SA10 6EF

If we run out of spaces in Berrow House and you still want to come, then there are a range of B&Bs in nearby Ledbury that you may wish to consider, so all is not lost!

Please call Doug on 07766652837 for more details.

There are some great pubs in Ledbury so you shouldn't go thirsty. Don't forget, we have another social coming up at the end of February, comedy night at the Grand, so give Rob a call about that if you are interested on 07990 807510.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cilybebyll Walk - Sat 26th Jan

Hi Folks,

Despite the weather on Sunday, we had a pretty decent turn out and a great walk, if not a bit wet! This weekend we're heading up the wonderful Swansea Valley again to do a walk around the vowel-starved Cilybebyll:


Cilybebyll Walk - Saturday 26th Jan

Christian's back with another interesting hike in the Swansea Valley. The route follows a figure of 8 path, and includes a nice stretch of the Swansea Valley, an old wool mill with reinstated waterwheel, and various bits of industrial history such as the Waun y Coed Colliery Incline and the old coal working of Cwm Nant Llwyd. Here are the particulars:

Distance: 10 Miles

Difficulty: Moderate

Meeting points: 0930 at County Hall carpark, or the end of Ashwood Drive in Gellinudd (past the hospital) at GR 738 043 at 1000.

Note: This walk involves crossing a stream which may be above boot-height if it's been raining heavily. Gators could be useful. (This may give me an opportunity to try out my idea of wearing bin liners over my legs and keeping them up with large elastic bands; if anyone else wants to join me in this experiment then please feel free.)

Leader: Christian - 07791089942.


Coming Up

A quick scan over what's hot in the coming weeks:

New Programme. We're just adding the finishing touches to the shiny new Spring Programme. Keep an eye out because it will be landing in yout inboxes and on the website soon!

Friday 1st Feb - Rob L's Treasure Hunt in Mumbles. More details to follow but if you want to quiz Rob on this in the meantime his number's 07990807510.

Annual General Meeting - 7th Feb - 730 at the Viv's in Sketty. We now have people standing for all the main positions but would still appreciate a Social Secretary! Any well organised socialites please come forward!

Malvern Weekend with the Black Country Group - Fri 4th to Sun 6th Apr. The Berrow Bunkhouse (http://www.berrowhouse.co.uk/) near Ledbury has now been booked, cost is £16 for the whole weekend (+ food and fuel), and although a proper article has yet to go out I will start taking bookings now! Please make £16 cheques payable to 'Tawe Trekkers' to reserve your place. Call me, Doug on 07766652837 for details.


And Finally...

Remember we're meeting at the Brunswick Pub on Thursday, from about 8, mine's a pint of the guest ale, thanks!

Last but not least: A few folk have come up with some really good ideas for novel walks and events: A Medieval Banquet, A Beach BBQ, Outdoor Swimming, and, uh-hum, 'Bushbashing' (careful...!) to name but a few.
It would be fantastic to see some of these ideas made into reality, so if you want to bring your event to life and want to organise something, please give us some details (an email would be great) such as when you could fit it in to a programme, location, any cost involved, whether we have to book or bring anything, who to contact and anything else that may be relevant.



Monday, January 14, 2008

Hi everyone,

We had a successful Programme Meeting on Thursday, and an even more succesful curry on Saturday with a right crowd turning up! We now have the AGM booked for the 7th Feb so hope we can get a good turn out for that too. First thing's first though; this Sunday Trudi's leading a walk on Gower...


Cefn Bryn and Oxwich Bay - Sun 20th Jan

Trudi takes us on a classic Gower walk over Cefn Bryn, through Penrice Woods and along Oxwich and Three Cliffs Bays. This walk is recommended for its stunning elevated views across to Devon and Lundy, and it's a nice varied mixture of hills, woods, meadows, and of course, beaches!

Meeting Points: County Hall at 0930, or the National Trust Carpark at Penmaen (optional donation).

Distance: 7 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Contact: Trudi on 0780 7726441. (Trudi has lost her phone and is waiting for the number to be transferred, so give this a try and if you can't get any luck, give Doug a call instead on 07766652837).


Annual General Meeting - 1930h - Viv's Pub in Sketty - Thursday 7th Feb

It's that time folks, to take stock of the year's business, shore up the accounts, and elect a new committee. So far we have people who are willing to stand for the positions of...


Secretary (that's me, again!)


Publicity Officer

That's great, but we still could still really do with people to stand for...

Programme Secretary

Social Secretary

And the list of positions isn't set in stone either, we can create other posts in the event that there are more people interested, like Footpath Officer, Membership Secretary, etc. Remember also that we are striving to be democratic here; any person (as long as they're a paid-up member) can stand for ANY post, and if there's more than one person standing, then it will come down to a vote at the AGM.

Have a think about it anyway, at the end of the day we're looking to share things out a bit more, and have more people involved in making decisions and organising things. If you want to discuss any aspect of the AGM please give me a call.


That's it for now. Hopefully see you on Trudi's wonderful Gower walk on Sunday!

