Sunday, March 25, 2007

Important Information - The Three Peaks Trial Challenge walk Mar 31st

Hi there,

A remnder about the The Three Peaks Trial Challenge walk. If you are interested in joining us on one of the routes, give me a call on 07990 807510 to book a place on March 31st 2007.

The Three Peaks Trial is an organised challenge walk arranged each year in March by the Cardiff Outdoor Group. Over the years the event has been modified so in 2007 there is a choice of three routes:

  • Platinum Route: This is a linear walk of about 17 miles and 5000' of ascent from Llanthony to Abergavenny over Bal Mawr, Pen Cerrig Calch and Sugar Loaf. Entry to the Platinum Route is limited to 50. Although shorter than the Gold Route, the Platinum Route is more demanding both physically and in map reading skills as the area is more remote. I am told that there are only 5 places left on this route. Doug and I are tackling this route so let me know quick if you wish to join us.
  • Gold Route: This is the original challenge, a circular walk of about 20 miles and 5000' of ascent, which crosses over three prominent peaks around Abergavenny in Monmouthshire Skirrid, Sugar Loaf and Blorenge. This route is never far from civilisation yet there is no obvious route so that concentration on map reading is essential to keep to the best route.
  • Silver route: This is a new route, a circular walk of about 15 miles and 4000' of ascent. it follows the Gold Route from Abergavenny over Blorenge and Sugar Loaf, then descends back to Abergavenny.

The Walk was first held in March 1963 and was designed for less experienced walkers who wanted to test their powers of endurance and skill at map reading. The event is ideal for this purpose, for one is never far from civilisation, yet there is no obvious route so that concentration on map reading is essential to keep to the best route.

All the relevant information may be found by clicking here.

Hope it may be possible for some of you to join us.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Newsletter - Marie's Blaenavon Walk - Sun 25th Mar

Hi all,

Here's details of Marie's walk on Sunday. Also don't forget the Programme meeting on Thursday, and to get your money in for the Brecon Trip - details from Doug!


Marie's Blaenavon Heritage Walk - Sun 25th Mar

This walk can be done in 4 to 4.5 hours and shouldn't be too strenuous.
The walk takes us through the centre of Blaenavon, and dogs should be ok, there are a couple of major roads to cross.
The start point is at the Whistle Road Car Park, just off the B4248, Garn Road (OS grid ref SO 230103). This little car park may be closed off, but there is parking by the Whistle Inn which is just a little way past the Car park. This pub is signposted off the main road.

This is a Circular Walk including part of the Blaenavon Industrial Landscape World Heritage site
Approx 17Km (10.5 miles).
The Blaenavon Industrial Landscape was awarded World Heritage Site status by the United Nations Educational Science & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in November 2000, and is very rich in industrial revolution history: Within the space of a few decades the landscape changed from that of a sparsely populated moorland area into industrial communities with all the features of urban life. As industry grew so the houses and streets multiplied until in places they eventually merged to form one town.
Included on the walk are numerous Grade I, II and II* Listed Buildings. The grading means they have been identified as being of special architectural or historic interest as determined by the Secretary of State for Wales.

This walk has been designed to guide visitors around part of the World Heritage Site to see some of the heritage features that contribute towards its recognition as outstanding in terms of its industrial heritage. The walk also allows one to see the wide variety of both natural and man-made landscapes that exist within the area and to experience spectacular views of the valley. ___________________________

New Programme Secretary!

We have found a new Programme Secretary in the (small) form of Christian. In fact he's sitting here with me now as I show him the workings of the club and I'm sure all will join me in welcoming him to the TT Committee! Remember we still have a vacancy for the Social Secretary so if you're interested get in touch!


That's all for this week folks, Marie informs me that I'm going to be giving the historical commentary on this walk so that's something to look forward to(!) Finally, please note that the Programme Meeting at the Vivian in Sketty will replace the usual social meet at the Brunswick on Thursday (22nd Mar).



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Newsletter - Saturdays walk in Felindre is cancelled

Hi there,

With no Pub night this week, it is with regret that the only other event that was planned for this week has had to be cancelled.

Steve, who was due to lead the walk freom Felindre has hurt his leg and is unable to lead the walk.

Hope your leg recovers soon Steve and hopefully you will be back out there soon. We will include the walk in the next programme.

Talking of which, get your thinking caps on as we have a programme meeting replaing the next regular pub night on Thursday 22nd March. We are always on the look out for new walk leaders and fresh fields to roam, so either come along to the meeting which will be in the Vyvyan Arms in Sketty at 19:30.

Watch this space for news of the next walking event, A walk around historical Blaenavon on the 25th March.

See you,


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Newsletter - Brecon/Programme Meet/Jo's Walk/Committee Positions

Hi there all,

There's a few items this week, and all important ones so please take note if you want to be kept 'in the loop' (cringe). If you would like come on the Brecon Weekend on 11th May, if you would like to be our new Programme or Social Secretary, or if you want to have a say on walks for our Spring Programme which will start in April then read on! Oh and mustn't forget there's the small matter of next Saturday's walk!


Brecon Weekend - Full Payment Needed by 10th April

We need to provide full payment to the Canal Barn Bunkhouse by 10th April at the latest. Cost will be £15 per night per person (£30 for the two nights).

If you want to secure a place but don't want to pay the whole amount up front then you can pay a 50%/£15 deposit. As long as full payment is received by 1oth April. Cheques to be made payable to 'Tawe Trekkers,' and given to Doug or Rob. If you are unable to give in person you can post to: Doug Morgan, 100 Bryn Road, Brynmill, Swansea, SA2 0AT.

Here's a link to Canal Barn's Website;, and if you need persuading about whether to come on this trip (which will be so truly mindblowingly amazing that you might end up with brain damage), give me, Doug, a call on 07766652837.


We Need Programme and Social Secretaries, Any Volunteers?!

We need to fill these two positions on the Committee due to the previous volunteers, Lindsey and Martin, moving on (after admirable service to the club, I should say). As our AGM isn't going to be until November, these positions will be 'co-opted' onto the committee in the meantime. If you would like to take on one of these roles then it will be good fun for you, it will give you a say on the direction of the club, and look good on your CV!

To put your name forward please contact...

Jo, our distinguished Chairperson, the voice of sense and prudence, a wise queen-like figure, on 07811654826,

Doug, the Secretary, the grafter, the man at the front line in the centre of all the action, on 07766652837, or...

Rob, not just a Treasurer, but an endless fountain of wisdom and knowledge, the voice of reason and experience, on 07990807510

My own take on the roles is that the Programme Secretary post would suit people who like organising and co-ordinating, writing walk descriptions and being a source of information. Knowledge of the local surroundings and routes might help, but isn't essential!

The Social Secretary role would suit people who are sociable, talkative, and like organising events. If you're an an affable social animal who likes to mix with crowds then this could be ideal for you.

Most importantly though, there's a lot of scope to develop and expand the roles as you see fit!


Programme Meeting - Vivian Pub, Sketty, Thurs 22nd Mar @1930

Yes it's that time again when we need to start thinking about putting the next programme of walks together.

Please, please, please, we need walk leaders and walk routes for the next programme so if you have any ideas or want to lead a walk, please bring them along with you to the meeting at the Viv's or preferably, contact Doug before hand. If you would like to get involved but are unsure and want to talk about it, then again get in touch. Most people underestimate their ability to lead walks and find their way around, so don't be shy! Obviously if you're inexperienced you wouldn't want to lead a polar expedition or anything, but there are plenty of straightforward, low risk routes available that would suit people wanting to get in to walk leading. I (Doug) have a worse sense of direction than David Blunkett on a Waltzer, but still manage to get by with map and directions!

Call me for more info, and even if you don't want to lead a walk then all are still welcome to turn up to the meeting.

NOTE: This meeting replaces the usual social meet at the Brunswick, and will take place in the Vivian in Sketty instead as we have use of their committee room.


And last but not least, here's a message from Jo about her walk this Saturday!

Walk Saturday 10th March 2007 - Black Mountain/Carmarthen

This is an 8 mile hike which goes to the top of Mynydd Du, aka Carmarthen Fan. The walk is uphill all the way and crosses open ground, past woodland and across a river, close to the source of the river Usk. The ascent up to the top of the ridge is steep and it is very exposed. Views from the top are in all directions and stunning on a clear day, including Llyn y Fan Fawr (a lake, for non Welsh speakers!).

This is a moderate/strenuous walk. Although not long, it is a lot of uphill, with a steep climb up to the ridge, and the whole route is very exposed. Please bring warm, appropriate and waterproof gear, including waterproof trousers. Do not wear jeans.

Usual meeting place, County Hall Car Park, ready to leave at 9.30am. Alternatively, you can meet us at Glasfynydd car park, grid ref SN 820271, at 10.30am.

Please contact Jo on 472302 or 07811 654826 if you would like more info. Look forward to seeing you there!
Phew! Well that's it for the time being. Hope some of you get back to us on the items above. I probably won't be at the walk on Saturday...but don't let that put you off!! It's a fantastic route that Jo will be doing, and yes the last picture really is of Carmarthen Fan, nice isn't it? Hope you have a great one guys.
Remember it's pub night on Thursday, all the best and see you soon!