Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Newsletter - Rhossili, Blue Pool and Llangenith and *****STOP PRESS*****

Hello there everyone,

This week we have details of Doug's walk in Gower and also some breaking news with regard to the next weekend away.
Sat 3rd March - Rhossili, Blue Pool and Llangennith

Doug leads a walk with great views throughout as we walk the length of Rhossili Beach, pass the Blue Pool and then return through ancient woodland, quaint, forgotten back lanes and elevated fields. This walk gives us the opportunity to get off the usual paths and see Gower from different perspectives. We'll stop off at the Worm's Head Hotel at the end of the walk for a well deserved pint.

Meeting Points: County Hall carpark at 0930h or the carpark in Rhossili at 1015h (GR 414880)

Length: 9 Miles

Gain: 200m

Difficulty: Easy

: Doug 07766652837

!Stop Press: Change of Date for Mid Wales Weekend!

Doug has sent the following message for you all

"Due to an error I am changing the date and venue for the Mid Wales Weekend.
It will now take place on 11th to 13th May in Brecon, and we will be staying at the Canal Barn Bunkhouse. Estimated cost is £15 per night per person. Great Value and the location of this place is perfect. A stone's throw from Brecon town and close to some truly great walking.

For more info please get back to me (Doug) on 07766652837, and if you want to secure a place please make a deposit of £15 payable to Tawe Trekkers to be given to Doug or Rob ASAP. More information to follow.

I am so sorry for this change of plan that I'm going to apologise in three different languages:
ES: Gracias et muchos apolocias per inconveniencias resultos.
I: Grazie a masso apolizione per inconvenizionas rezalto.
GB: Thank you and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

However, more people should be able to make it on this weekend, so it should be better in the long run anyway."

Thats all folks for this week, hope you can join us soon,


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Use Your Paths Update and some useful points of contact

As a result of the Group taking part in the ‘Use Your Paths’ Challenge, we polished off 5 squares in the North West corner of Gower, centred around Llanmadoc and Llangennith. This was a joint exercise between the Swansea Outdoor Group and the Tawe Trekkers Ramblers Association walking group.

As you may be aware, the ‘Use Your Paths’ challenge is an attempt to walk a number of selected grid reference squares to ensure that every inch of public right of way is walked within that particular square. The scheme is administrated and run by the Ramblers’ Association, and our own experiences highlighted a number of issues. Most notable of which was the farmer at Lagadantra Farm who prevented us from using a bridleway that would take us on to Llanmadoc Hill. Having explianed to him that a bridleway ran through his farm, he told that as far as he was concerned, no such path had existed and he had lived on the farm for 60 years.

This problem, along with a couple of others, have been reported to the Ramblers’ Association and to City and County of Swansea footpaths office.

If anyone finds a problem in the future and wishes to help preserve ournational heritage of footpaths, the email address for reporting access problems is: countrysideaccess@swansea.gov.uk and the link to relevant Council web page: http://www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=3557 .

You can also report issues direct to the Ramblers’ Association, either through their dedicated webpage at http://www.useyourpaths.info/report.php (where there is also a rather handy introduction to Grid References), or contact your local area footpaths officer through http://www.glamorganramblers.org.uk/report.html.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Newsletter - Mynydd Y Gwair Walk - Mid Wales Trip

Hi All,
Here's this week's installment of happenings in the Tawe Trekkers Walking Club. On Sunday we have a tasty little number led by Rob, and looking further ahead we can now announce that the next weekend away will be in Rhayader, Mid Wales from the 18th to 20th May. We are now taking bookings for this trip so get your name down to ensure a place!
This Sunday (25th Feb) - Mynydd Y Gwair and Betws Mountain
See message below from Rob on his walk this Sunday...
The walk starts through the lanes on the north side of Mynydd Y Gwair, in the Hills to the South of Ammanford where we head off east from the road to Garnswllt (that place where all the buses go, but nobody seems to live). We then head up past the Scotch Pine public house and on to the Betws Mountain before our Journey swings round to the west where we pass the remains of an old castle, Penlle’r Castell, and on a good day we are generally afforded some decent views of the North Gower coast, Swansea, and looking North to Ammanford and East towards the Brecon Beacons.

We then head west across the barren moors to pick up the road to Garnswllt and where we started our walk. If everyone behaves themselves, we can stop in the Shepherds on the way back for a moment of reflection in a beer glass.

Distance 8 ½ Miles

Terrain Country lanes and mountain moorland.

Dogs allowed of course, but be mindful that we are moving into lambing season so please take every effort to keep them under control.

Meet point – County Hall car park (East) at 9.30

Contact – Rob on 07990 807510 for more details including directions to the start point.
Mid Wales Weekend Trip, Rhayader - 18th to 20th May
We have booked the lovely Beili Barn just outside Rhayader to spend the weekend of 18th to 20th May. This location will provide us with access to the wonderful rolling countryside of the area, including the luscious Elan Valley.
If we fill the barn with 16 people, then it will cost each person £12.50 a night, that's £25 for the Friday and Satuday nights. To secure a place, send a deposit of at least 50%, or £12.50 to me or Rob. Cheques payable to 'Tawe Trekkers.' My address is 100 Bryn Road, Brynmill, Swansea, SA2 0AT, or you can give to me or Rob on a walk or down the pub. Which leads me onto a reminder; it's pub night on Thursday!
Anyway, I digress. I will send out more detailed information on the Mid Wales trip closer to the time but if you want to discuss in the mean time please give me, Doug, a ring on 07766652837.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Newsletter - Abercregan and the Coed Morgannwg way

Hi there folks,

There is no pub night this week, but we do have a walk led by Laura next Saturday.
Abercregan and the Coed Morgannwg way - 17th Feb

This walk, led by Laura, explores different parts of the Afan valley.

From the old mining village of Abercregan, follow the Coed Morgannwg way to Efail Fach, returning along old railway lines in the Afan Valley. The industrial scars of this area have healed, leaving views of green valleys and rolling hills with masses of flowers, butterflies and birds.

Meet Point County Hall East Car Park at 9:30

Difficulty Moderate

Distance 11 Miles

Contact Give Laura a ring on 01792 541739

Thats everything for this week, hope to see you soon.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Newsletter - 'Walk the Square' in North Gower this Sunday

Hi all,

This Sunday's walk is going to be a bit different, and as well as providing an interesting change will also help us to secure the future of Britain's footpaths!


'Walk The Square' - Sun 11th Feb - Llanmadoc

'Walk the Square' is a Rambler's Association initiative aimed at keeping Britain's footpaths and rights-of-way open for all to enjoy. It involves a group or groups walking all the footpaths in 1km squares of the OS map. I won't go into the legalities too much but basically footpaths have to be used to justify their staying open to the public, and using them in this way is a great way to methodically protect all routes from closing. It also identifies any obstructions caused by overgrowth, unscrupulous farmers...etc.

This is a combined walk with the Swansea Outdoor Group and the 'squares' that we will be covering are around the Llanmadoc area of North Gower. We'll be starting from Llanmadoc, going out past Broughton to the point by Burry Holm, and then looping back taking in the edge of Llanmadoc Hill.

The walk will total around 9 miles in distance and is graded at moderate.

We'll be meeting at County Hall Carpark at the usual time of 0930. We don't have a start point yet as that is in the hands of the SOGs, so as it stands we're all best off meeting at County Hall and then taking directions from the SOGs from there on in.
Rob is the TT contact for this one, and if you want more info give him a call on 07990 807510.


Pub Night this Thursday!

This Thursday (8th Feb) is our regular fortnightly pub meeting at the Brunswick Pub in Sandfields, meeting at around about 8pm. Be there or be square! Not to be confused with 'Walk the Square.'


That's it for this week, hope to see you in the pub and/or on the walk!

All the best,
