Thursday, July 27, 2006

Walk info for Sunday 30th July

Hi all - there is a change to the scheduled walk this Sunday - we're going to be visiting a slightly different area of the Beacons due to lots of reasons (some interesting, some boring and some just plain odd!)
Torpantau - Graig Fan Las - Craig Cwareli
Walk description:
An initial steep climb is rewarded by four miles of fantastic escarpment walking, with great views of Brecon and the Beacons, returning past the Neuadd Reservoirs.
The walk is approx 8 miles with only a 200m height gain. We should have superb views of the northern Beacons and of course Pen-y-Fan! The walk takes in some of the least trod escarpments, visits Fan-y-Big and then drops down towards The Upper Neuadd Reservoir, before heading back through the Taf Fechan Forest.
Additional info:
Only graded 'Hill Scramble' because of the altitude, it is mostly on easy, well-defined paths. The escarpments are steep but not sheer. Look out for kestrels soaring near the start - and buzzards later.
For full walk info click here - :
Meeting Points:
Please meet at County Hall as normal - ready to leave at 0930.
If you wish to meet at the start of the walk it is at the Car Park found at Start grid ref: SO052172 OS map: Explorer OL 12, Landranger 160
The walk starts on the top of the pass from Pontsticill to Talybont. At the highest point, there is a wide opening to a track on the south side, almost opposite a sign to parking 500m away. Park at the edge of the track entrance.
Parking may be difficult at the track head so if necessary we will park in the car park 500m further on and walk backto the start.
Meet at the walk start at about 1015.
Dogs - more than welcome - this is a good mutley walk!
Refreshments on the way back at the pub in Pontsticill
That's about it - if you need any extra info please feel free to give me a bell - 07868 737 591
Hopefully see you on Sunday
bye for now - Martin

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Resolven walk Saturday 22nd July 2006 - Earth, Wind, Yeasts and Beasts

Our latest outing took us to Resolven, to view the waterfalls at Melin Court, discover the latest and newest windfarm in the area, and view the final stages of the Swansea Bay Rally (by accident rather than design).

The walk was a joint walk with the Swansea Outdoor Group , and both the Tawe Trekkers and the SOGs were equally represented. The Route started in Melincourt waterfall, we then walked part of the St Illtyd's walk and the Coed Morgannwg way. We then tracked down towards Resolven, making our way through Forest, Water Meadow and grass meadow that were so abundant in wildlife, it makes me feel quite itchy thinking about it! Doug spent quite a time photographing the things he could find to add to his already burgeoning collection. The merits of self cannibalisation was also discussed as well as methods to allow you to pitch a tent (and sleep) on a slope, involving pegs, ropes and a strange collection of pulleys. I think it would be easier to find a flat place to pitch my tent, personally. There was also heated debate over whether yeasts, moulds and fungi were the same. I stayed out of it.

My theme for the walk were the elements, fire, water, wind and earth. The waterfall representing water, the windfarm for the wind, a cairn stone circle for earth, and a fire break in the forest for fire. I also included and elusive fifth element, a trig point in the middle of the trees that was bloody difficult to see (if you did not know it was there already).

While we were at the waterfall, Dave from the SOGs introduced everyone to the concept of Geocaching. This is a concept where caches of treasure are located around the country a that can be found by using a GPS. Dave knew that one existed at this particular spot so he went scrambling round the rocks to find it. He brought out this plastic bag. I thought at first he was collecting rubbish, and was about to launch into a tirade against people who disrespected the countryside. But no, it was stuffed full of the bits and pieces that make up a cache. The principle being, you leave something, you take something away and note what you have done in the notebook using the pen or pencil provided. We left a safety pin, a couple of programmes, and one or two other items. Dave then carefully sealed the plastic bag and then replaced it where he found it.

I made one or two minor errors of judgement while route finding, the first one through lack of concentration, the second through badly maintained and overgrown footpaths. To get our selves out of trouble, we had to ford a river which overwhelmed us with excitement. All, I am glad to say, made it across without getting their feet wet miraculously.

There were, unfortunately, no views of the 'Big Black Beast'. When I was reccieing the walk, I witnessed what I thought at first to be a badger, but this particular badger was black, had distinct legs and a tail, about the size of a badger and leapt up the bank. I did not see its head, but it looked to me like a cat. Either it was a wild cat that lived in the forest, or it was a domestic moggy with a particularly large territory. If anyone else has had a similar experience, please let us know.

The rally was an unplanned extra, as the Swansea Bay rally was being run through Rheola Forest while I was leading the walk. A couple of the special stages actually went along the route of the planned walk, luckily, the rally had passed through by the time we were on those sections. We were held up however, as emergency vehicles had to attend an incident when one of the cars apparently went off the road.

It was an thoroughly enjoyable day, and we retired to the Rock and Fountain in Aberdulais for some well deserved refreshment afterwards (after we found our way into the beer cage).


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Resolven walk Saturday 22nd July 2006 - and other info

I've got some info for the walk this Saturday that you may find useful:-
9.30 at County Hall Car Park

Start Point of the walk

Car Park at Melin Court waterfalls


The walk is adaption of a favourite walk of mine, we will walk some of St Illtyd's walk, Coed Morganwg way, visit some windmills, find a long lost trig point. The walk is about 12 miles, but firmly in the moderate category, though it is an upland walk, the slopes are moderate, but they are longish in the first part of the walk. You should get some good views of the Beacons, Swansea Bay and Gower.

Points to beware

Unfortunaley, we are sharing Rheola forest with a rally on Saturday, so please be careful in the later forest section. Also some of the later paths are in need of a good walking, they are passible enough, but it will slow our progress a little.


As usual on my walks, dogs are more than welcome, but on this walk, I will insist that you keep your dog under control at all times. Not just because of livestock, but there were significant nature sightings, so we must respect their habitat.

In general

This is a joint walk with the Swansea Outdoor group who are meeting us at the start point in Melincourt car park, Its a great walk, hope you can make it!


Joint BBQ with Tiger Bay Ramblers!

Lindsay has this info for the above social.
Date: Sat July 29th

Venue: Swansea Beach.

Meeting Time:12.30pm

The BBQ will take place on the beach behind County Hall carpark. The TBR are going to start the BBQ from 1pm.

I will be in County Hall carpark from 12.30pm to meet people and help set up. Anyone arriving later can meet us on the beach.

For those arriving by car –you can either park in County Hall or there are several pay and display carparks nearby.

Arrangements: If everyone would bring their own BBQ’s, food and drink, blankets etc. There is a large Tesco across the road from the beach, if you need to get supplies.
Snowdonia Trip – 11th to 13th August

Doug is finalising the numbers as I write, at present we have 17 people on the weekend, so should be a good turnout, give Doug a ring before the places run out!

Holyhead to Swansea - by bike

As some of you may be aware, Doug, Rob Laura and Sue from the SOGs took part in a bike ride, they all got back safe and sound and had a great time in the process.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This Sunday's walk in Glyncorrwg and other goodies!

Hi Folks,
Here’s some details for the next walk this Sunday, and some other motley morsels ranging from the Snowdonia trip to local bands to parachute jumps(!)
Glyncorrwg Walk – This Sunday, 9th July
The walk will be led by Graham and will take us into little-known territory north of Glyncorrwg. This route will take in secluded forest tracks, stunning views of the Cynon Valley, an ice-cream stop (hurrah), industrial archaeology and a minewater treatment system!
There is also the option to stop off at the Glyncorrwg Pond and Mountain-Bike Centre on the way back, where there are bar facilities and a cafe.
Contact Graham on 07770 435341 for further details.
Length of walk: 11 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Meeting Times/Places: 9:30am at County Hall Carpark in Swansea, or at the start point of the walk in Glyncorrwg at 10:30.
Directions to start point: Get off at junction 40 of the M4, follow A4107 to Cymmer, and then take the minor road that leads to Glyncorrwg (it should be signposted). In Glyncorrwg village, there are some parking places by a row of terraced houses by the River Corrwg. Grid ref; SS 878 993. These directions are only rough, so if you’re not sure or you get lost, give Graham a ring.
There may be some midges on this walk; not with little tiny rucksacks and boots (what a bizarre thought), but flying around our heads, obviously. However, don’t fear because Graham has enough insect repellent to go around for everyone!
Snowdonia Trip – 11th to 13th August
We now have 14 people going to Snowdonia, but still have some spaces left. If you want to come but haven’t told me yet, please call me on 07766652837. Just to remind you, it’s £30 for three nights accommodation in Llanberis, which is very cheap, and what’s more, the Snowdonia scenery will be priceless!
Message from Rob. W - Thursday’s Bands at the Tavern
There are two good bands on in the Uplands Tavern this Thursday:
King of Despair -
Gethin Pearson -
I like them, but there are snippets of their songs above if people want to check it out first!
8 pm meet for anyone who is interested.
Message from Sacha – Charity Parachute Jump
As some of you already know, I've foolishly agreed to throw myself out of a perfectly good plane 10,000feet above Cirencester on the 29th July. I'm scared of flying and I'm not that good with heights either - so why am I doing this?!
My aim is to try and raise £500 for Marie Curie Cancer Care - an organisation that provides high quality nursing care, totally free, to give terminally ill people the choice of dying at home. They also work to actively promote quality of life for people with cancer and provide support for their families. If you would like to support this very worthy cause or if you just want to see me thrown out of a plane(!), you can click on the link to make a secure online donation.
The webpage doesn't show the cash sponsorship I have already received which currently totals around £180. It would be great to hit the £500 mark, so please dig deep!
Many thanks in advance.

Thanks for those items guys. Incidentally, Rob or I won’t be at this Sunday’s walk because we’ll both be doing a bike ride across Wales.
But that's another story.
All the best and happy hiking!